Does anybody still believe in God and the Bible?

by tornapart 218 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Knowsnothing

    Tornapart, may I ask why you believe in the Bible, Jehovah, and Jesus?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think once you realise that certain parts of the Bible are clearly wrong, it's difficult to maintain much faith in the rest.

    Adam/Eve and man on earth for only 6000 years and the global flood did it for me.


  • tornapart

    Yes...You may ask but why do you need to know? I simply wish to find others on here that feels as I do, so far there are only a few. I could ask you why you don't and I'm sure you have your reasons. It doesn't make me better than you and it doesn't make you better than me. For someone to to tell a non-believer why they believe in God will not change the non-believer and visa versa, so I don't want to even attempt it. I feel everyone is entitled to their own personal views and I don't want to inflict mine on anyone else. I just want to find others of like mind, who have become disillusioned by the WTS but still love God... it's a very lonely place to be.

  • LostGeneration

    CoC was a good book for me to transition away from JWism to no-church Christianity. It was kind of a "let him down slowly" kind of book.

    But once pandoras box was opened, I couldn't stop asking questions. Considering the idea that Jesus was a false prophet was a real eye opener.

    Researching how the bible was put together was another stop on the bus route, that eventually led to agnosticism. I'm open to God, whenever/wherever he wants to show his face.

    It seems that he made quite a few appearances thousands of years ago but now that there is so much modern technology, he doesn't want to come around anymore!

  • Phizzy

    You could believe in Pink Unicorns with purple spots, and that would be a lonely place too, and no more delusional than where you are now.

  • Knowsnothing

    Tornapart, I don't have a need to know. Just a curiousity. I'm sure you have your reasons, but have you ever examined your faith, or do you just believe?

    If someone asked me, I'd like to be able to respond. Why don't I believe in the Bible? Because in it, God says he doesn't show partiality, yet he hides himself from about 2/3 of humanity. Islam, having approximately 1/5 of humanity's population as adherents can't live eternally since they don't accept Christ and accept the false prophet Muhammad (according to the Bible).

    I often think why only reveal yourself to a small group (Israel)? The rest of humanity doesn't deserve your kindness?

  • tec

    Yes, I believe in God and Christ. I believe that Christ is the Word of God, though... not the bible. Though I believe the bible does contain scripture (inspired), histories, moral lessons, laws, myths, and witness testimony to Christ; as well as letters encouraging or answering questions (in the NT).

    The Word of God is living... and that is Christ.

    A belated welcome to the board. There are plenty here who have faith in Christ and God... as well as those who do not, or who are still searching.

    Peace to you,


  • strymeckirules

    i believe in heavenly father, Christ and the ancient scrolls that relate to them.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I've noticed that many here have lost their faith in God as well as the WTS.

    At least you included that second part in the same fashion. Typically, it's asked "Since discover the truth about Watchtower, have you lost your faith in God?" But you at least equated "losing" faith in one and "losing" faith in the other.

    I hate the idea that one "lost" something when they stopped believing. I know it is easier to equate to a child losing his innocence when he stops believing in Santa and the tooth fairy, but that's a child. If we carried that analogy out properly, the child "lost" a false belief and started gaining wisdom. I haven't lost anything. I found greater truths than the Bible. I found a greater truth in facts rather than belief in the unbelievable.

    Tornapart, may I ask why you believe in the Bible, Jehovah, and Jesus?
    Yes...You may ask but why do you need to know? ....... For someone to to tell a non-believer why they believe in God will not change the non-believer and visa versa, so I don't want to even attempt it.

    The questions "Does anyone still believe..." lead to more questions about such belief or disbelief. But if you don't want to even open that door, there really is no point here. We don't have to change each other, but obviously there are many that did believe (or didn't) and changed based on things they read, viewed, and/or discussed (or God called them up). Open discussion is great, but nevermind.

    Does anyone still believe in God and the Bible? Yes. They do.

    What kind of a discussion is that?

  • ziddina

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I saw through the bible's errors and misrepresentations long before I was able to escape the Jehovah's Witness cult...

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