curiousconfused - I hope you don't mind my contribution to this discussion. I was an elder for a brief while not long before I became inactive. I can fully understand why both you and elderelite would find it disadvantageous to step down immediately on discerning the real truth. It's difficult extracting oneself from any cult, but particularly when you are so far in, and when so much is expected of you by family etc. Still, it would be good to formulate some form of strategy to edge yourself towards the door, if only incrementally as a means of retaining your sanity and satisfying your personal integrity. Nobody is hurrying you, but the longer you play this game, the more precarious your situation will become.
What I DO detest are those elders who feel the way you do but come on here bragging about various talks they have been asked to give, and asking for advice on how to give them. If I was still serving as an elder, I would keep all that to myself. They have chosen to endure a double-life at this exalted level, and it is their struggle to face. Sometimes when I read the posts of such ones, it strikes me that they are more interested in raising eyebrows and getting attention for their position than in receiving genuine support and encouragement. I'd better stop there before I begin ranting!
Anyway, please could you take the time to contribute to our 2012 JW Survey under the "serving elders" category if you haven't already done so? That would be appreciated.
I hope this has been remotely helpful.