Question for Elders

by curiousconfused 64 Replies latest members private

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    @ Cedars

    I make a strong differentiation between the people and the Org. I see a group of Christians who want to live by the teachings of the Bible on a day-day basis, refuse to kill their fellow man regardless of the consequences, try to abide by ALL the laws of the land, and finally, carry out the command that our Saviour Christ Jesus commanded with his last words as a human being - Matt. 28:19,20.

    If you can point me in the direction of another group of people who do these things even better, tell me. There were bad things going in Jerusalem prior to Jesus' arrival, but Jerusalem was serving God's purpose until He dealt with it.

  • cedars

    The Searcher, you are understandably preoccupied with the "organizational" element of worship that was drilled into us through our indoctrination in the religion. If you haven't already read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, I would urge you to do so. That book explains pretty succinctly why "organization" is extremely overrated when it comes to worshipping God, particularly in comparison with how things were done in the first century.

    I would also appreciate if you could take the time to read my article "Lord, whom shall we go away to?" as I feel your answer above alludes to this scripture.


  • 3rdgen

    How do you reconcile Rev. 18:4?

  • cedars

    Does the "people" mentioned in this scripture need to be organized under the banner of one organization?

    Mark 14:27; John 10:3


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Interesting comments and article. I still believe that my previously cited Scriptures will have their fulfillment, and when they do, everyone will recognise that judgement and make a conscious decision one way or another. I feel that Jesus' warning about escaping from Jerusalem may have a greater fulfillment in Rev. 18:4. I will still preach the good news about the Christ's ransom sacrifice and EXACTLY what that means for those who accept it - it will be according to the Scriptures, not any individual's/org's ideas. I must say, not even the Mormon's (the only other religious group doing preaching) are explaining the Kingdom hope.

    Just a little p.s. again - for the past 3 years all the evidence has mounted up to persuade me to believe that the Org is, or is soon to be, in SERIOUS financial straits. I'm sure most serving elders have more info on the 'direction' from the 'slave'.

  • cedars

    The Searcher - it's really down to you how you read into things, but I'd urge you to sleep on it tonight - and pray for clarity if that helps. A lot of what you are saying sounds very much like a rearranged version of what the Society teaches, only with themselves in the role of God's wayward people, the nation of Israel. It's not the first time I've heard this, and I have close friends who feel the same way. I can't help but feel sorry for them, because it's almost as though they are following a "hybrid" program that's left over from their JW indoctrination. It's very very sad, at least to me.

    Give it some thought anyway my friend, and PM me if you want to talk things through in greater detail.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    p.s. just to confirm - my allegiance is to my Creator, not to a bunch of men who increasingly demand obedience to them!

    A word to all brothers & sisters - every time a new publication comes out, check it for the following terms; FAITHFUL & DISCREET SLAVE; ANOINTED CLASS; OBEDIENCE & LOYALTY. Their usage is virtually in every Watchtower now.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey CuriousConfused,

    I was still an elder when I started coming here and "waking up". I didn't have any idea what I was going to do with my life or get myself out of the cult without it becoming a disaster with family and friends. With time came ideas and opportunities. Since I was single, I couldn't go with family stuff as an excuse, but being single would mean that I didn't have to worry about getting a wife and kiddies out.

    As I was pondering an exit strategy, one of the nutty elders got a bee in his bonnet about something I'd done and that I was now reprehensible. I put up a partial defense when called into the official meeting to review my qualifications. Of course, the BoE interpreted my defense as "prideful". After the kangaroo court, I was invited out of the room. Some time later I was asked to return. And with an air of superiority, they informed me that they decided to remove me as an elder. On the one hand, there was a huge sense of relief as my future plans started fitting together in my mind. On the other hand, I was angry at their hypocracy, arrogance, lack of appreciation for everything I'd done for the congregation, lack of respect for all the sacrificed I'd made for that crummy organization.

    Afterward, I informed them that I needed to make amends with whoever had been "stumbled" by what I'd done. I explained to them that there was no reason for the matter to be confidential and started telling everyone what had happened. Although they talked like lots of pubs were upset with me, once I started asking around to the biggest mouths in the congregation, it became clear that much of what the elders said against me in the meeting were lies. In reality, most of the pubs didn't see anything wrong with what I'd done, but were totally pissed at the BoE for removing me for such a flimsy reason.

    Nobody was really surprised after that when I stopped commenting, moved away, and stopped attending meetings.

  • shepherd

    "So, let the trolls come forth with their accusations of hypocracy"

    Well, I am not a troll but I do think you are a coward. The Org. cannot be changed from within and anyone claiming to be able to walk a moderate path etc are just deluding themselves. If you don't believe 100% you are in 'God's Organization' and you are only staying as an elder to avoid consequences then you are indeed a hypocrite and coward. Call me a troll, it does not change my point of view and I expect there are many who feel the same way.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    stuckinamovement and doubting bro's comments are pretty much how I handled it.

    Feel free to PM me any time. Stepped aside about 3 years ago. (I think)

    Time flies when you're really living.


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