I was being groomed to become an elder, but never did. I wouldn't back down from Biblical facts and refused to worship the Governing Body, so I was eventually considered unfit. Now, I know my congregation was actually very open-minded, when compared to others, too. My current congregation is a hotbed of Pharisees, idolaters, and blasphemers and to become an elder, one must be an exemplary example of one of these.
It's my estimation that any JW elder has sold his soul (so to speak), because he should be in a position to know better. If he doesn't, then he's just too damned lazy to read the Bible for himself or too stupid to understand what he reads and so blindly follows the WT literature because it's written on a level he can comprehend. Either way, only a self-absorbed seeker of glory before men would allow himself to be put in a position he should know full well he isn't qualified for, in the name of God.
There hasn't been an excuse for blindly following men instead of Scripture since shortly after the invention of the printing press. Maybe the JWs are full of idiots and crazies for a reason. Any thinking, rational person would recognizes this group for what it is. If you don't see it, you're probably one of them. If you do see it, you're trading your relationship with God for how men view you. There is no salvation in them, so what the hell are you trying to impress them for? JW "friends" are the worst excuse for associates possible. Even JW family have no natural affection and will turn their back on anyone over their status in the cult. If one's self-esteem is so low they need to be love bombed in a cult, then go nuts. Any other reasons claimed are pure BS.