@ desirousof change
Do you believe what the Society teaches about Romans 6:7 - that a person's OWN death wipes out their sins? If believing that isn't sinning against the Holy Spirit, I don't know what is. Read verses 1-6, then 8-11, and it becomes crystal clear clear that Paul was speaking about figuratively dying - to your former sinful life-course. By doing so, and demonstrating it by baptism, then a person is acquitted of sin. Remember John the Baptist's words when he saw Jesus, "see the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world".
If you want to see how ludicrous the false teaching is, here's a problem; sin causes death - death wipes out sin - no need for a ransom!
Check out the Watchtower Dec. 1st 1985 page 9, paragraph 4 on the Watchtower Library as proof. Also, this reference has been deleted from the reference list for Romans 6:7. Click on Rom. 6:7 in the Bible and you'll see.
Why would C.O.s refuse to discuss it? I deduced that they don't believe it's literal either, but if they opened their mouths, they would be "removed" for disagreeing with the G.B. and lose everything!!
The moral is this; keep your different thoughts to yourself when in the company of brothers.