luap: 2. Were to Preach the " good news of the Kingdom"and "seek first the kingdom"
Luap, by your standards, most JWs I know fall far short of qualifying.
Let's face it, there may be a couple of old diehard pioneer widowed sisters out there hammering on doors or working the bus stops, but the rest of the Congo is spending more time at the mall and at Starbucks than doing any serious preaching. The Elders in the several Congos I attended were putting in the token service hours (they only worked with their "family") and going thru the motions. Everyone has gotten "serious" about Family Worship Night so they can count 4 hours each month.
If the preaching of the Good News is truly getting accomplished, then why are the JWs only successful at convincing 1/10th of 1% of humankind on earth. Jehovah needs a better Public Relations Dept than what JWs are providing! Why, for the first time ever at a recent Cir Assm in our area, NO ONE got baptized -- NO ONE. Not even some 9 year old kid. You and I both know they're dunking the born-in kids younger and younger to keep the numbers up. Look at ANY Cir Assm -- 9 out of 10 baptismal candidates are children -- born-ins. ONLY foriegn language Congos are having any success in Bible Students who progress to baptism. WHY? The preaching is ineffective. Knocking on doors when NO ONE IS AT HOME is just going thru the motions. It's just busy-work.
I know of many (older) couples who decided not to have children because of THE END being SO CLOSE. (In fact, one was ostracized in the 1940s if they got pregnant and had children!) Those couples are mostly dead. Certainly very OLD and could use the assistance of adult children. A young couple in our hall (YOUNG Elder and his wife) asked several older couples (who had no children) what they thought about postponing having children. I don't know what they heard from each elderly, childless couple, but I can tell you the young Elder and his wife have a new baby girl!! No putting off having a family for fear of the pregnant or nursing mother!
Let's face it. NO ONE (among JWs) really believes ARMAGEDDON is right around the corner. If YOU do, then I suspect YOU ARE ELDERLY and fearful of dying BEFORE Armageddon comes and "saves your life" (as you survive as one of the Great Crowd of survivors). I say no one really believes because of their actions! Everyone in our local Congos are building homes (until the market sank), having children, going on extragant vacations -- some 2 or 3 or 4 times every year! (I think of one family who have taken over 30 vacations to foriegn destinations in the past 10 years. Do you think they could retire and pioneer?)
Luap, I think you are probably gone already. Run off with your tail between your legs because of the challenging posts here already, and frankly that is a GOOD THING, because you aint got what it takes to stand up to this crowd. They'll beat your @$$ into the ground using ONLY the WTS publications. You ain't got a chance of winning an argument discussion here, because these folks have already done more research into JW Doctrine than you can catch up on in your lifetime. Many here won't be kind to you, so it's better that you've gone on to more hospitable environments. You didn't sound fierce enough, determined enough, knowledgeable enough, or tough enough to stick it out here!
Good Luck, Luap!