The Wacky World of Dating Sites

by Terry 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I bet BOTR is now rethinking that Ivy League education requirement for fellas.

    Think About It

  • 00DAD

    When you take a picture, make sure you are holding today's news paper in your hand.

    Are you kidding? That's what kidnappers and terrorists do as "Proof of Life"!

    Nothing speaks desperation as loudly as some of the suggestions mentioned here!!!!

  • Morbidzbaby

    I don't care what level of secular education a guy has, as long as he's SMART. In other words, life-smart, street-smart, and yes he can also be self-taught and book smart. We have hundreds of books in this house on a variety of subjects. My man is constantly learning something...yet he's never been to college. He is my best debate sparring partner...he knows how to take the opposite tack in order to make me think about why I feel and believe the way I do, even if he agrees completely. He says "I know you believe it, but make ME believe it...". He's great for mental stretching exercises. And he knows his shit, to be honest. He eventually wants to take some classes to make himself more marketable in his field, but as for all around intelligence, he has it in spades...No Ivy League education needed.

  • talesin

    Terri,, I read the OP, and skimmed a bit. Real (happy) tired tonite, but looking forward to reading this tomorrow, looks like a fun thread. :D

    Are you really internet dating? hehehe, can't wait to read the thread!


  • JeffT

    Terry, send my your email address. I'll forward all the emails I keep getting from hot Russians who want to move to the USA. No, I do not know where I've been that generated that influx. And being happily married I have no use for them.

    You look like Mark Harmon in that picture. Tell them you're the real life guy Agent Gibbs is based on. That ought to get you some responses, although some of them may come from guys that want to meet Abby.

  • talesin

    mwah --- hahahaha!

    Jeff! too funny,,, you old rascal, you !

  • karter


    Ive tryed online dateing with mixed results.

    Ive met ...

    Miss i'm here to tell you all about my B****D ex and stop trying to get me off the subject.

    Miss mental health worker......job rubbed off on her.

    Miss i can TXT and phone you 20 times a day i'm so insecure.

    I can't get over how many people have the same sort of profiles.

    Starts off "I don't bite unless asked LOL" Or "Lifes for liveing".

    Then they say they like nites at home cuddled up in front of the fire drinking nice wine or romantic walks along the beach at sunset.

    Mine starts off "Good women are like carparks...All the good ones are taken the only ones leaft are reserver for handycaps"

    Good luck with it Terry but you will have to put up with alot of crap before you find Miss Rite....for you.


  • lifestooshort

    Do Not try JWMatch! They are only good at taking your money.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Plenty of fish. Lots of men posing with their Harley Davidsons and a lot of them in camo with dead deer or fish. Then there are the guys who take pics of themselves with their webcams, shirtless.

    A friend of mine encouraged me to make a profile, just so I could see the profiles of the men my age. So I put I was seeking women for friendship. Oh my, the e-mails I got from women made me change it to men for friends pretty quickly.

    Then I found out men didn't want to be friends. They didn't want to exchange e-mails. They wanted to meet like yesterday, even though I told them in my profile I did NOT want to date. I also was honest about my body type. I am not thin. So all these guys who had made it very clear that they only wanted to DATE thin, fit women still wrote to me anyway. I asked them did they not see on my profile my body type. They didn't care, they said they loved my face and they didn't care if I didn't want to date, would I please make an exception for them.

    One guy bragged about how he was so cheap that he was heating his house with wood, cooking with wood and using oil lamps at night. He was raising two sons. Another had been severely neglected as a child. The social workers found him in a home filled with maggots. One told me he punched his teenaged son for beginning to use heroin again, out of anguish and being at his wits end.

    There were two or three guys who seemed pretty cool. But for the most part, the guys my age seemed pretty unrealistic about what to look for in a relationship and how to communicate well with women.

    Terry, it is good to hear things from a man's perspective, as you have posted here. Your picture is very handsome.

  • Terry

    After all the thousands of years of Men seeking women and Women seeking men (and Gawd knows who else seeking whatever!)

    it should amaze all of us just how BAD humanity is at getting this done efficiently!

    We are terrible at it!

    I can only begin to imagine it is because we are uncomfortable with the vulnerability of ADMITTING we NEED others and have to expose

    our private desire to scrutiny, questioning and even criticism and mockery.

    But, ya know something? It makes you a better person when you go through it.

    Why? You have to face facts about your own strengths and weaknesses and come out with it.

    My worry is that I have the sort of angularity of body and face that from moment to moment I can look dreadful or okay depending on the light or

    the situation. Now that is a completely stupid thing to worry about!! So, what I'm learning is that loosening up and being FUN leaves the other person little time for critical scrutiny.

    Besides, women are way more mature about men's appearance than men are about a women's appearance.

    Honestly, almost any sort of body type or face can be amazingly attractive IF THE RIGHT PERSONALITY is the driving force behind it!!

    I'll give you an example of that. Adrian Brody. He has a huge honking nose, but, he is so interesting women find him very attractive.

    Barry White. He was a LARGE man and sweaty too. But--that sexy voice!!

    Talent, energy, dynamism, intelligence, humor---all are offsets to an otherwise plain or normally unappealing body or face.

    The miracle of individuality can be quite compelling indeed!

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