The Wacky World of Dating Sites

by Terry 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    FHN can't help myself...Terry's right you do have a lovely smile....

  • Quentin

    Would you respond to this picture and bio on a dating site?


    Likes being in the wild...camping, exploring creek bottoms...rock hunting...enjoy the company of like minded women

  • talesin

    Dating sites creep me out. It's just like here,, all anonymous, until you get to know the peeps on a one-to-one basis.

    As for the 'looks' part of it,,, Terry is cute, can't be denied ...

    I've never sought out looks or money, actually; it usually ends up that I finally give in to the one who chases me the most. Bad choices!

    I'm just fine with being single for the moment, and rolling on with my life ... if the future brings a special person into it who is more than a friend, that would be great! If not, well, happiness is in how we deal with the ups and downs in life. I'd much rather be alone, than with someone who is determined to be unhappy.

    Diana -- it hurts, understood. His actions are telling me what another poster said --- RUN ,,, he sounds mistrustful and controlling. I'm not saying that you don't need to grieve this relationship, you do. Once you get past it, though, you may be able to look back, analyze, and see that you deserve MUCH BETTER.



  • transhuman68

    Of course looks matter with internet dating services. You look at all those pictures, and you just know that one of them is a serial killer or axe-wielding homicidal maniac.... and that's the one you will if you are going out on a date that could be your last night on earth, you at least want to spend it with a good-looking axe murderer!

  • diana netherton
  • FlyingHighNow
    I'm a "nice fat girl" and I'm the one every guy wants to be "friends" with, but won't date. So tired of being passed over. That was part of the reason I posted the "invisible" thread. I'm invisible to guys. Unless they want something, usually my time or money... they never want love or a relationship.

    We girls are attracted to confident men. Men are attracted to confident women. If a guy is good looking but lacks confidence, women will generally pass over him. Men love a confident woman. You give off the wrong vibe. Confidence is sexy. And yes, this is something you can fix.

    Thank you, Quentin. It looks like you touched up my photo, Lol.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton


    I saw him last night. I went to his place. He still insisted I was lying. I insisted I wasn't. I didn't cry

    all that much. I wanted to say calm. We hugged. Right before we left I asked

    him to think about it and not write me off. He said he would...I don't know if he meant it

    or just said it because he was late for soccer practice. I told him I would fight for us. I

    would not give up. He asked me again what I did and I ran through it, but I don't

    remember times, etc. since I drank so much vodka.

    What next? I don't want to grovel and I am certainly not going to admit to something I

    didn't do. I am frustrated and angry that he doesn't believe me based on his "gut feeling."

    I know he loves me...he admitted it last night. Help...I still haven't eaten. I have a dr

    appt tomorrow. I feel dizzy and can't concentrate. The only thing I've had in over 60 hours

    is water and a cup of soup and half a granola bar which I gagged on.

  • Terry

    A guy who is shallow or insecure looks for a Pretext to unleash persecution and empower themselves.

    I'll tell you why I think that is, Diana.

    Many years ago, Billionaire Howard Hughes would let the news get out that he was going to sell off some of his empire and was entertaining offers.

    The offers DID roll in; plenty of them. Then, Hughes wouldn't sell anything.

    He was asked by a close associate why he did this from time to time.

    Hughes answered, "So's I'll know what the damned thing is worth!"

    Now, what does this have to do with your boyfriend?

    By using your overnight stay as a pretext for anger and righteous indignation he is doing, in effect, what Howard Hughes did. He is determining how much HE MEANS TO YOU by how extravagently you'll react to his behavior!

    This puts power in his hands and demeans you.

    No true appreciator of yours would AUTOMATICALLY judge you and condemn you on the spot. Never.

    He is a flake. Sad but true. And by acting this way he has given you an enormous gift.

    The sooner you find out something like this is part of his character the sooner you can get the hell away from him.

    Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

    Good luck!

  • Terry


    Likes being in the wild...camping, exploring creek bottoms...rock hunting...enjoy the company of like minded women

    You had a "typo" Quentin; shouldn't that read "creaky" bottoms?

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Will some please tell me how up upload a photo here? I can't seem to get it

    to work. Thanks

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