The Wacky World of Dating Sites

by Terry 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    Ah...another picture to torture you with........

    Diana, hopefully things can be sorted to you....Terry

  • FlyingHighNow

    Quenton, Terry's picture is nice. Still, I am glad you chose his and not mine as an example.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Thing is, this man in the most laid back, kind person I know. This is so out of character.

    Everyone shows their true colors eventually, good and bad, weak and strong. He lied to you, too. Why is it okay for him to lie to you?

  • FlyingHighNow

    This link is supposed to be about the pros and cons about online dating.

    We all thought dating was supposed to be easy back in high school and beyond. In reality, the only thing easier was more people were single. That is unless you were a JW. Then the pickin's were slim to none.

  • aquagirl

    Its all about looks.It really is.Face it,if you JUST met someone who was 'kinda cool' but found the way they looked vile and horrid,would you pursue them?No...Im not talking odd,like Steve Buschemi,or Cate Blancette,or someone w/strong,unusual facial traits,but just plain old,nauseatingly vile,in you own opinion,you wouldnt date them,would you?Honestly?No,of course not..It all about youth and beauty.Its not right,but thats the way it is...Sorry...No one goes out with the "nice "fat girl.Or "sweet"scrawny guy. In movies maybe,yeah,but in real life? Nah..Thats what roofies are for...jk

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    nO, i don't believe looks are the deciding factor. If I knew what was, I'd sell it for billioons.Too many times I've been part of a group of women discussing girl talk, why someone not very attractive and with a horrid personality and character caught the dream man. I thought women were the victims. Now, I know it is mutual.

    I've mentioned that I read a lot of English and American history. Marriages were arranged until relatively recently. People seemed no more unhappy. I also know several Asian families quite well. My friends were the first generation to marry for like. Those marriages were strong. I would ponder that a matchmaker brought them together. In fact, part of my friend's marriage was arranged. I was told the money and gifts that were exchanged.

    Very few people are drop dead beautiful or ugly. We project sexiness or not from within our psyche. Living in Manhattan, I repeatedly saw and met celebrities that did not seem like their public self. They can turn it on or off.

    Looks count. Show me a wealthy woman and I will show you a well-groomed woman treated by experts. It seems that men and women are in this struggle together. Meeting someone decent seems so arduous and scary. I expect we want a relationship that works badly to put our big toe in the water.

    I'm scared. Nevertheless, I am going to do it. Maybe while I am distracted online, I will meet someone of fairy tale legends in the real world. One of the problems that makes me hate the Witnesses is the passiveness, esp. for women. Men aren't encouraged to be captains of their ships either. Twiddling my thumbs is unacceptable. There is an element present that goes beyond dating. Acting, rather than reacting, is very important to me.

    Terry, thanks for posting. It lifted my fears a bit. One foot first, then another foot.

  • LongHairGal

    AQUAGIRL: You are right, it is based on physical attractiveness and we are all guilty of being influenced by that. While you are right that very few want the nice fat girl or the scrawny guy, they would appear much more attractive if they had money LOL. All kidding aside, I will stick to meeting people in person!! To each his own.

  • Tater-T

    Hey Diana ... I know exactly how you feel... I get that way too, when I'm in a break-up... even when, deep down I know it's for the best... sounds like this guy has security isssues, which usually have nothing to do with you....

    I wish I could come and take all your pain and heartbreak away.. but I can't... I just went through this myself.. I took me awhile to get over it...

    You will feel better I promise, just keep yourself busy and Be around people that love and support you...

    I listen to the CURE when I'm lovesick... he screams about this sort of things.. I like to sing out loud... this song to release the it ..feel it.. let it go.. here's my favorite song

    I wish I could just stop.. I know another moment will break my heart

    too many tears..too many times.. too many years, I've cried.. over you ..over you ..over you

  • Sulla

    Diana, for what it's worth: that dude is very fucked up. You sending him flowers is exactly what he wants: control. Seriously, run the fuck away: control freak dickheads like that are absolutely nothing but trouble.

    For what it's worth.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Sorry...No one goes out with the "nice "fat girl.Or "sweet"scrawny guy.

    You must live on a different planet. I know plenty of nice fat girls or sweet scrawny guys who are very happily coupled with others.

    Looks. A guy must be attractive to ME. I don't care if you think he's not. And a technically attractive guy might not do a thing for me because his looks are boring or his personality and intelligence level is non existent.

    If what you say is true aqua babe, then only looks would matter. We all know that's not true. If a person rubs you the wrong way, then they do and all the good looks in the world won't help.

    Personality can take an odd looking or even homely looking person and make him or her HOT.

    And youth doesn't count that much for people who are middleaged. You'll figure it out when you get there.

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