by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    Since it was said that women who abort are heartless I thought I'd throw my $.02 in.

    I have known several female friends who chose abortion. NONE of them did so easily, or w/o plenty of tears. It was a difficult choice. In these particular cases, they were in situations where they had broken up with the father and he was NOT going to be of any support emotionally or financially. In 2 of the cases, the father wasnt around-PERIOD-when the pregnancy was disovered.

    To make a blanket statement that women make such a choice rashly or cold-heartedly is ignorant.

    That being said, I simply think that we ALL should be freely allowed to make moral decisions that affect our lives.


  • Abaddon

    BoozeRunner; "To make a blanket statement that women make such a choice rashly or cold-heartedly is ignorant."

    I agree wholeheartedly. I think blanket statements tend to indicate an agenda rather than the facts of an issue, unless it's a statement about blanket statements

    KJV; "Who's gonna teach him or her decency?"

    But who says YOUR standards of decency are right or better? I am sure you are a lovely person, and you know your American history, but that doesn't mean a woman who talks about penises and is in favour of abortion is not capable of teaching children 'decency' just and maybe more relevant to the 21st Century than yours. That doesn't diminish your rights to your own decency, just your rights to morally condemn people because you disagee with them.

    As regards compulsory tubal ligation for women having abortions, I can't see that happening; what about people who were using contraception and got pregnant anyway? If you assume that 1% of women using contraception will get pregnant anyway, that's 1.25M women a year in the USA who would be penalised for a contraceptive failure. What about women who were raped?

    What I think will happen within the next century or so is that both boy and girls will be reversably sterilised at puberty. People wishing to have children will have to apply for a license and a reversal. This process would include assessment of their suitability as a parent, and a genetic assay to allow screening for genetically transmitted diseases or conditions.

    Losing the 'right to breed' might seem a big step, but it would solve so many social issues and pressures I can't see it NOT happening at somepoint, as human history is filled with consessions of individual liberty for the benefit of the smooth functioning of society.

    It would also mean that the health and longevity of the human race would transform over a few generations, due to fertilised eggs with undesirable traits being discarded or subjected to gene therapy.

    It might seem scarey... like, what the hell is an 'undesirable trait', but it sould start with things like MS, Cystic Fibrosis, hereditary skeletal conditions, hereditary myopia, stuff no-one wants and there are no major issues getting rid of. It would not, due to the very synergetic nature of genetic interaction, involve making 'super humans', at least not for a good while, it would just be making humans who 'worked well'.

    144thousand_and_one; JanH is right. Population pressure is a sociological artifact, not one created by actual lack of resources. There is, with current agricultural technology, more than enough food for 10 billion people IF MANAGED PROPERLY. We only have famine now because there is too much food in some place and not enough in others.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • 144thousand_and_one


    Population pressure is no sociological artifact. I find it interesting that you seem to have interpreted my posts to mean that I am concerned with the effects of the population explosion on the food supply.

    Exponential population growth does indeed threaten more famine, not due to lack of food resources, but due to greed. Nevertheless, the ill effects of the population explosion is not limited to the food supply. Plants and animals are endangered and threatened with extinction due to the elimination of their natural habitat caused by the uncontrolled expansion of human population. The need for energy and water is also intensified by the population explosion, and foolish politicians in this country respond to that need with a push to expand the use of nuclear power, resulting in additional pollution issues. Overpopulation has also resulted in dangerous levels of pollution of our air, water, and land.

    To assert that population pressure is merely a social artifact ignores a serious problem and is analogous to burying one's head in the sand.

  • bluesapphire
    I have known several female friends who chose abortion. NONE of them did so easily, or w/o plenty of tears. It was a difficult choice. In these particular cases, they were in situations where they had broken up with the father and he was NOT going to be of any support emotionally or financially. In 2 of the cases, the father wasnt around-PERIOD-when the pregnancy was disovered.

    I know of people who have felt bad after having an abortion too. But I also know someone who had four abortions. She didn't even consider having the baby even though it was the SAME father every time. Eventually she had three children by this man whom she eventually married. But she used abortion as a contraceptive. Every time she turned up pregnant they just went to the "free" clinic.

    I know other women who use it as a contraceptive also. It's a pretty expensive contraceptive too, unless the government is paying for it.

    Regardless, some women do feel bad after having an abortion and some seek therapy. I know Catholic Charities provides post-abortion therapy for women.

    I think abortion on demand is wrong. But I don't think all abortions are wrong. Some are justifiable. I'm not exactly objective though since I've been trying to have a baby for five years now and can't get pregnant.

  • KJV


    Since leaving the org. I have learned to be tolerant of many things, including a woman's right to choose. But what bothers me is that the same women who promote irresponsible sexual behavior are also the first to want to promote abortion. I feel that it is great that some women have discovered their vaginas and I realize that they need them tickled frequently, but their is a responsiblity that goes with sex. I am not talking about ignorant teenage girls...I am talking about intelligent, educated, mature and experienced women. What I see is an absolute extremism in the issue of abortion. You have on the one hand the pro choicers demanding abortion as a solution,(as if a woman will get in touch with her "feminine liberated self"), and then you have the religous nuts who have zero tolerance, even if it means the mother losing her life. Where is the inbetween? MADonna is a perfect example of this disgusting hypocrisy and double standard. MADonna is the biggest slut in the entertainment business that there is. Her example I'm sure is responsible for many young girls having unwanted pregnancies, and yet she said on Larry King live that she won't let her little girl "Lourdes" watch "Barney" because she doesn't want her to be corrupted by this kiddy show. She is evil! There is responsibility that we humans have with our reproductive organs while getting pleasure. Setting a good example and educating our children about safe and responsible sex is what I call "teaching your children decency"!

  • KJV


    Since leaving the org. I have learned to be tolerant of many things, including a woman's right to choose. But what bothers me is that the same women who promote irresponsible sexual behavior are also the first to want to promote abortion. I feel that it is great that some women have discovered their vaginas and I realize that they need them tickled frequently, but their is a responsiblity that goes with sex. I am not talking about ignorant teenage girls...I am talking about intelligent, educated, mature and experienced women. What I see is an absolute extremism in the issue of abortion. You have on the one hand the pro choicers demanding abortion as a solution,(as if a woman will get in touch with her "feminine liberated self"), and then you have the religous nuts who have zero tolerance, even if it means the mother losing her life. Where is the inbetween? MADonna is a perfect example of this disgusting hypocrisy and double standard. MADonna is the biggest slut in the entertainment business that there is. Her example I'm sure is responsible for many young girls having unwanted pregnancies, and yet she said on Larry King live that she won't let her little girl "Lourdes" watch "Barney" because she doesn't want her to be corrupted by this kiddy show. She is evil! There is responsibility that we humans have with our reproductive organs while getting pleasure. Setting a good example and educating our children about safe and responsible sex is what I call "teaching your children decency"!

  • slipnslidemaster

    I see that this thread hasn't degraded down into a screaming match yet. Good.

    Anyway, I'm buying stock in a coathanger company, just to be on the safe side.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

  • 144thousand_and_one
    MADonna is the biggest slut in the entertainment business that there is. Her example I'm sure is responsible for many young girls having unwanted pregnancies, and yet she said on Larry King live that she won't let her little girl "Lourdes" watch "Barney" because she doesn't want her to be corrupted by this kiddy show. She is evil!


    This libelous statement about Madonna is both unnecessary and untrue. First, you have no basis for labeling Madonna a slut, unless you've been stalking her and know her personal business. Gossip magazines do not provide sufficient basis for such a conclusion. Secondly, I find it hard to believe that Madonna's risque clothing and performances are the cause of unwanted pregnancies for many young girls. Many factors are responsible for unwanted pregnancies, including without limitation the teaching of abstinence instead of contraception, puritanical values in this country that inhibit the dissemination of family planning information and services, peer pressure from young men and women who tend to be very sexually active, etc. Accordingly, your attribution of blame for unwanted pregnancies to Madonna is devoid of merit. Finally, as to your opinion that Madonna is "evil," let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    You might have left the org, but it appears the org hasn't left you.

  • KJV

    WOW 144,001!

    You must know her personally to be so offended by my statement! I only am stating my strong opinion of Madonna based on what I see. Madonna loved bumping the heads of young kids with her "sex" video and other explicit material. Why don't I like her? Because of the fact that while she can influence other children and feed "porno" into their minds, her little daughter is too precious to be "polluted" by the show Barney! Madonna has attitude and she thinks she is being cute. Like and love her all you want 144, but she is a hypocrite with a double standard. I know that she can't keep lourds from finding out the truth about her mother. I don't read gossip magizines or any other trash about people...I am basing my feelings on what she herself has said and done. And that is my complaint on this thread....a double standard. A person who wants to play with explosives should learn how to handle matches first!

  • larry black
    larry black

    Who do you guys think about using aborted babies for stem cell research?

    I think that it's every woman's right to have an abortion, so long as she doesn't cry foul if she finds it hard to conceive later.

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