MsGrowinggirl... My heart goes out to you. I remember feeling as you possibly do soon after I was disfellowshipped. I didn't leave, I was forced out, and it wasn't just and fair so it destroyed my trust, meaning that I could/would never go back. It took me a long time to even look at websites that were anti JW never mind post on them. I researched a great deal and what I learned broke my heart. For any of us to simply tell you that the Watchtower Society uses cult tactics won't suffice for you. You have to find that out for yourself, and it's not an easy ride.
Many on here who have left have become atheists, and I respect their decisions. I left judging behind in the K hall. As for me I still have a relationship with my god. I believe that the Watchtower misrepresented him completely based on the facts that I've gained. I have no doubts about that.
Take your time sweetheart, read and research as much as you can/want to and meanwhile if you still believe in him pray to an almighty god to guide and help you. Don't panic, a loving god isn't out to destroy anyone half decent.
To answer your original question, I believe in his loving justice so that means he won't destroy all the JWs trapped and misguided in that society. As for me personally, I can only be true to who I am, be as honest and fair and kind as I can be in my daily life and trust that according to what Jesus said, that will be the basis for the judging of me.
This however, is simply an overview of my beliefs and opinions. Sadly, hard as it is, you have to work out your own, outside of that rigid organisation that tells you what to think and believe.
Take care and take heart are on the way to freedom...just as you should be.
Loz x