Why I Hate Religion

by Christ Alone 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Sulla: SBC, don't I owe you an insult or three? I think I do from a thread a couple weeks back when you called me a pompous fuck or something three or four times. Just in case, please go fuck yourself. Let me know if I still owe you: it's tough for me to keep track, ok?

    Aww, you know how to butter a guy up, sweetness! I love you, too!

    But, to your comment wondering if all the smart kids here have a pope: it's tough to say, but I'll put my education, university, GRE scores, income, job status, and neighborhood up against the distribution on this board any day.

    Oooooh! A challenge! Well, let's see.... I have a year of community college, no university, no GRE scores, decent income (but that's hardly a gauge of intellegence - look at all the idiot millionaires in Hollywood), my job status is "employed", and my neighborhood is.... quiet. Meanwhile, you get your contraception advice from a little man wearing a funny hat who played the emperor on Star Wars. I'm close, right?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Meanwhile, you get your contraception advice from a little man wearing a funny hat who played the emperor on Star Wars.

    There is no doubt (about the playing of the emperor. Most Catholics ignore the Pope on birth control).

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Most Catholics ignore the Pope on, well anything and everything

  • james_woods

    But the pope-mobile is very Wibble.

    Yes, I believe this thread has foolishly looked into the morning sun a little too long.

  • Diest

    I love how chirstians complain about athiest but if you started a post about muslims they would pile on harder and faster than anyone. At least most athiests are uniform in the distrust of religious people.

    Back to the thread:

    You prove my point. Those that claim to be followers and act in His name are instead following religion and not Him. He never said he would "reign" in his

    followers or those that claim to follow Him. He gave an open invitation to come to Him to be refreshed. He never forced anyone to come to Him and will

    not do that today.

    I can give an open invitation to have a beer at my house, but if the people at my party beat you up I still bear some of the resposibility, because it was my party. In the same way Jesus had a responsibility to reign in the Catholics from 400-1600 and all christians today. The fact that he has not shows me that he is impotent, or that he does not bother/exist at all.

  • sizemik
    but I'll put my education, university, GRE scores, income, job status, and neighborhood up against the distribution on this board any day.
    I think I do from a thread a couple weeks back when you called me a pompous fuck or something three or four times.

    I'm relieved that 1+1 still =2

  • Sulla

    Well, SBC, the smart ones really do have a pope, looks like.

    So, here's the question: do you think my cognitive ability made me Catholic, or do you think my Catholicism made me smart?

    Just wondering, 'cause you seem to like mocking Catholicism; but maybe it could work for you.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Sulla: But, to your comment wondering if all the smart kids here have a pope: it's tough to say, but I'll put my education, university, GRE scores, income, job status, and neighborhood up against the distribution on this board any day.

  • sizemik

    @dm6 . . . nice to see you back.

    People come and go, the board constantly changes (except for james that is). Most of the atheist v believer debates are good discussions for the most part IMO and thought provoking. Every thread get's at least one crazy-ass, one lazy-ass, one pompous twit, a joke-teller and at least one defying description. You've just gotta filter dude . . . and call it how you see it.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Sulla: So, here's the question: do you think my cognitive ability made me Catholic, or do you think my Catholicism made me smart?

    I'll take the Dunning-Kruger Effect for $500, Alex.

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