Is the Watchtower shy about repeating their new "generation" teaching?

by slimboyfat 245 Replies latest jw friends

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Slim, did the new July 15th Magazine answer your question and how did you react? Is this worse than the old Gen teaching?

  • villagegirl

    What I really find repulsive and immoral is the fact the Watchtower ,

    NEVER, takes responsibility for its own actions,

    or admits to its own mistakes and ALWAYS blames the rank and file

    reader for "misunderstanding" what they said.

    Can you imagine being married to a person who behaved this way ??

    Or having any friend, boss, employee, or any social contact

    who behaved this way ?? It is so dishonest, arrogant, and manipulative.

    They make Kim Il Sung of North Korea look like a reasonable man.

  • slimboyfat

    How what's in the July 15th magazine? Do they discuss the overlapping generation again?

  • inbetween

    interesting idea, do you think with changing of the generation teaching, and as example of overlapping they used good old Freddie, who was also by the new definition a FDS member, they prepared the way for the new FDS doctrine ?

    So jesus, speaking about the generation and the FDS, he meant the same bunch of guys preparing spiritual food at headquarters ?

    So the GB 2.0 are the extension cord before this system goes unplugged ?

  • slimboyfat

    Well Splane wasn't shy about demonstrating the doctrine with "visual aids" on JW TV. Maybe he devised the doctrine and has been handed the "privilege" of writing about it and explaining it on TV.

  • Nobodyspecial

    In years past i would have leaned towards the gb letting this issue die... But it seems they are more than happy to repeat it and discuss it.

    The truth is it dosent matter what they teach, enough will be willing to say they believe it to keep the org proped up.

    The internet has been fantastic at stunting their growth and helping many to awaken... But theres always going to be a percentage who want to believe and will buy into anything

  • prologos

    There are always those that believe they personally are "that generation", they will do anything, believe anything, to make hat come true. after all, this is the only generation that the living have, wt-adherents are not.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey de Grey are the secular equivalent.

  • Vidiot

    slimboyfat - "Is the Watchtower shy about repeating their new 'generation' teaching?"

    Sure, if by "shy about repeating", you mean "doubling down on". :smirk:

  • slimboyfat

    It was true when I posted it. I never predicted they'd start advertising their stupidity.

    Plus I doubt ordinary JWs are using it as a talking point on the ministry, like they did with the old generation teaching in the 1980s.

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