I, being an unbaptized Jehovah's Witness publisher, have never even heard of the "overlapping generation" teaching. Nobody has ever told me about it. I found out about this absurd teaching when I started reading apostate websites around two weeks ago.
Jehovah's Witnesses wanted me to get baptized. And guess what... I didn't even know about those absurd teachings because nobody has ever told me about them. And then, if I were baptized, and if I found out about those types of teachings after getting baptized, they would tell me that one of the questions to get baptized was whether I did my research about the Jehovah's Witness religion (read: cult), and whether I have come to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only right religion (read: cult) based on that research. Based on my potential answer to that sneaky question, I would not be able to get a sort of annulment of my baptism, and thus I would be shunned if I were ever disassociated or disfellowshipped.
I am so glad I learned of this absurd teaching before getting baptized. Today, I happily recognize myself as one of Jehovah's Witness apostates preaching the good news. I am proud of being an apostate. I am proud of being an apostate because I preach the real good news—namely that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. (Don't worry; my "good news" is not a religious teaching. I am not religiously devoted at all and do actually recognize myself as an atheist. I'm just making fun of Jehovah's Witnesses.)