SAB. Interesting post. Let me assist you a bit about the esoteric trinity, though.
The truly HOLY TRINITY is right before your eyes in the Most Holy. Two angels and the Ark of the Covenant make up the holy trinity. That is, God, Christ and Christ's wife. The Ark of the Covenant represents Jehovah's holiness and Holy Mount Zion upon which the two angels dwell to reflect God's holiness. These angels are called the "covering cherubs" because their wings cover the ark. These two special unique angels are none other than Jesus Christ who is Michael the archangel and his companion/wife, the angel who became Satan.
Satan is said to represent a "pattern" and that pattern is reflected in the universe. The Sun represents Christ. The Moon, Satan. Satan is the most beautiful angel in the universe, how appropriate for the wife of Christ, right?
In Eden though, when we look for the trinity, it is elusive. That trinity would be Adam, Eve and not the serpent, but God himself. You see, Adam and Eve were based on those two angels, who were considered male and female. The two trees in the garden also reflected the two angels. The tree of Life, which comes from the man, is associated with Michael the archangel, Jesus Christ. The tree of KNOWLEDGE is associated with the angel Satan. Of course, Adam was created to reflect Christ/Michael and Eve to reflect his beautiful wife, Satan.
Now, thus, at Genesis 3:15 when God said: "I will put enmity between YOU and the woman and between your seed and her seed," Jehovah is speaking to the invisible principal involved here, namely Michael the archangel. Thus God was decreeing a divorce for Jesus Christ from Satan and Satan's followers in heaven and Christ and his followers in heaven. This plays out in Revelation in the battle in heaven. So the "woman and her seed" is a reference to the position in heaven of Satan as Christ's wife and that reflection in Eden as Eve. After saying the above to the invisible Jesus Christ present there, he turned to Satan and said: "He (i.e. Jesus Christ/Michael) will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel." Meaning over the next nearly 7000 years as this all plays out, Satan would kill Michael as Jesus Christ when he became a man, but he would be resurrected; that represented a bruise in the heel. Christ, however, after the millennium, would permanently destroy Satan in the lake of fire; that represented a fatal blow as the bruise in the head.
Now, follow the gnostic understanding of Satanism. You'll find much Christian artwork thar reflect Satan as a half-snake woman! That is, the gnostic understanding of Satan connects her true identity as the Mother Goddess in paganism, a woman. Satan is even depicted as a woman on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
FREEMASONIC SATANISM REPRESENTED BY THE TRIANGLE AND PYRAMID: Besides the above, the number THREE, the triangle and the pyramid are more directly connected to Satan by esoteric representation. That is, to be blunt and brief, Satan is depicted in the Bible to have 9 out of the 12 stones that represent Christ. The 12 strones on the breastplate of the high priest representing Jesus Christ is the basis for the square and the cube. When this is transferred to diagramatic images, the 12 stones become the four sides of a square, 3 stones each. Satan, Christ's wife, though, has only nine stones. When those are transferred to diagramatic images you get the trinagle and the pyramid. Thus Satanism is represented by those images and three. 3x3=9 In Freemasonry the marriage as well as the competition ("enmity") between Christ and Satan is represented by the triangle vs. the square where the triangle dominates the square, favoring Satan dominating or winning over Christ.
So in Freemasonry, you have again, the holy trinity of God, Christ and Satan, reflecting the two covering cherubs, husband and wife and their special relationship on Mount Zion with God. The "square" of course, represents Christ and the compass, Satan and the triangle. But notice how the compass cuts past and into the square and is above the "G." This simply represents Satan's ego over both God and christ and how Satan was prophesied to bruise Christ in the heel.
In other words, your conclusion that there is an implied trinity between the snake, Adam and Eve is misinterpreted. Or in the case of Revelation where BTG is the harlot riding the wild beast combined with Satan also a non-relevant trinity. What I'm saying is that there are esoteric trinities all around us, but their identities have long been established in the gnostic, esoteric and Satanic world.
Even so, it reflects some very basic realities going back to Eden, which is Christ versus Satan in the presence of God. In the end, Satan is killed and Christ gets a new bride, this one from the earth! Thus Christ's new Bride is the church. JWs associate these with the 144,000, but the 144K are the natural Jews in the covenant making up only 10% of the entire number (Isa. 6:13); the entire number of king-priests that become the wife of Christ, thus replacing Satan on Holy Mount Zion is actually 1,440,000!
All that to say this. Every trinity is not esoterically relevant. You can decide what you want, but it seems illogical to make presumptions without studying esoteric Satanism and Freemasonry.
Finally, speaking of esoteric "genetics", gnosticism of Eden, especially reflecting the curse upon Eve to lust after her husband, suggests that Adam was Black and Eve was white. This reflects the dominance of the male over the female. Thus genetically, blacks carry the dominant genes and whites the recessive genes. Thus a lot of Satanic gnosticism takes on a racist edge with whites using special knowedge provided by Satan to dominate and suppress blacks. The "Mysteries" are thus very white supremacist in nature. Nazism is thus a very indirect form of Satanism.
I could go on and on. I would just like to caution you a bit, that a lot of this is all worked out in minute detail already, so it is a mine field to make any king of generalized presumptions of what might be represented in Scripture, which has a 50/50 chance of meaning nothing. But you definitely touch on something extremely relevant. That is, there are many secrets and hidden representations in the Bible that exist by reading between the lines. That's a good trait to have. That curiosity of the "deeper things of Satan."
Of course, as you might know, I'm Jesus Christ in the flesh now, so it will actually be me who will be tossing Satan into the lake of fire. Satan is incredibly beautiful but she's a b*%tch and won't be missed. Once kicked out of heaven, the angels partied for three whole days! So Satan was a major pain the anus up in heaven. In the meantime, Christ and his new wife made up of gorgeous mankind, whom he fell in love with, will life happily ever after in Heaven. Of note, no chances are taken with the second wife. The elect are tested to the death first to prove their loyalty before Christ is to marry them.
Well, enough about moi for now. Enjoyed your post. When you consider that three, the triangle and the pyramid are directly linked to Satan's identity, you can understand the insult of the "pyramidology" of C.T. Russell in the context of Bible prophecy. You can understand why a seeing-eye pyramid adorns his gravesite, etc. The WTS is now considered to be part of Babylon the Great and fully apostate and Satanic and has been abandoned by God and Christ after removing the true sheep. The WTS as the "false prophet" will thus go off into destruction along with the rest of Christendom, represented by the 666-beast, which by the way converts to the name of "KKK" showing how racist/Satanic Christianity ultimately is. But worry not -- it's all under control, really. Just a matter of a little time (i.e. I'm looking at this year kicking of the millennium on 12/21/12!)