PART III: Testing Grounds and the Age of Abraham
The End of Unnatural Selection
The Serpent's party had been nixed. YHWH here is portrayed much like detective John "The Party Pooper" Kimble in Ivan Reitman's Kindergarten Cop. The state in which the Serpent had the population of the World of Adam made them unaware to basic facts about their natural environment. They were too into themselves. In the story when Noah and his family emerge from the carnage they have to be educated as to what rainbows are. Instead of telling them that they were just not aware of them before, because of the Serpent's spell, he tells them that they are a symbol of his love. A promise that Unnatural Selection would never again be used on the humans. This symbolizes humans being born into the world of the Light from the Darkness. Because of this act of Love from YHWH we today get to enjoy being sons and daughters of Noah the Righteous One. He is well allegorized by the Grandfather telling the story in the movie The Princess Bride. The timeless wise old grandfather out of his element, but not entirely obsolete.
Worship of the Serpent Through Idols
Unfortunately the Serpent only lay still until the human populace grew in numbers again. Quickly he gathered the newly born sons and daughters of Light together to worship a shrine called the Tower of Babel. The Serpent's weapon: The Adamic Strain was used again to seduce the people through Logic and Independence. The idea was that if you all worked together, which meant breaking up into classes (slave, slave master), that you were doing the right thing. Humans have always fell prey to the idea that if you can see it it's true. This was the Serpent's next play and it forced YHWH to again make another move in the Game. YHWH chooses to confuse the languages of his own children. This would make it harder for the Serpent to make them worship him by worshipping an idea he concocted. It was the lesser of two evils which is a theme througout the whole Bible.
The Genetic Leanings of Sodom and Egypt
Revelation speaks of the children of God being lured into "sexual immorality" and "eating things sacrificed to idols." Egypt in general represents the Serpent's hierarchy and mystical system. Sodom represents the breakdown of morallity within society which ends with the breakdown of that society's sexual norms. What's considered deviant is embraced merely with intent to be independent. The Serpent has very distinguishable characteristics in the story. He plays the humans in a very specific way and and is consistant. He tempts the humans with sex and power. When he wins he just uses them until they are done. Genetically that seems pretty dead on from what I have observed in my life.
The Mark of Righteous War
Now that the languages were separate the humans were affectively separated. They then had to write up their own systems and agree on what they called truth. The Serpent's choice to unite the creation against YHWH meant that war was upon them. Finding out which civilization is the strongest is a fools errand and costs too many resources to complete. The best way to live with a neighbor is be their ally not their enemy. However the Serpent uses the warped version of Adamic Independence to maintain contention between lands on any level possible. Rivalry is encourged and collateral is placed on the table even if that means whole cities with woman and children.
Within this brutal system YHWH does not merely stand back in horror. He chooses a warrior and marks him in a way that strikes fear in his opponents as well as offers a medical benefit. Even today the Israeli Warrior is renowned for their fierce dedication and honor. Abram was the man, and Abraham was the Age he brought forth into the world. Abram exhibited the traits needed to not only lead an army, but settle political and social disputes as well. The majority of the Children of Light were misled, so YHWH created the safe haven of the Nation of Israel.
The Abrahamic Breed Through Education
A convent is made directly with him and he is told that he will be made into a great nation. Humans share a common ancestor with apes and are 98% genetically the same to the modern chimp. Primates share the human trait of teaching their the young the secrets of their environment. YHWH knew our genetic roots and understood that to fully continue on a human breed they must be able to teach the Way to their children. Whereas with dog breeders it is easier because this extra complex step is not required.
Confirming Noahic Faith
The story of Abraham and Isaac is a peculiar tale when told literally. After Abram's name changes he is very much folklore at that point. A tribute to the great deeds of Abram the Righteous Warrior. However with all the killing that had taken place it was a good time to test the strength of the Enochian Anomoly. The further away you get from it genetically the more chance it has of just fading into the cosmos. Apparently it can be overshadowed to the point that it lays dormant in the human pool. A test was required that would prove that the people in the Dynasty of Abraham still had the prized trait: Noahic Faith. Luckily, the people not only passed the test, but with flying colors. It's important to note that history tells that there were many civilzations that succubmed to child sacrifice. When this happens it's because the Adamic Strain is flourishing for some reason. The book of Genesis clearly indicates that YHWH is against child death of any kind. However it does show that without the trait of Noahic Faith, there is nothing to look forward too.
Paving the Way for the Messianic Anomaly
The reason for the Confirmation of the Noahic Faith was because things were getting dicey. They were violent and it appeared that it was only going to get worse, which it very much did. When things get dicey you have suffering and anything there is suffering a Messiah, in some form, is necessary. Eventually the son of Isaac becomes an old man and has corrupt sons who seek power. The Adamic Strain starts to show it's ugly head even within the Nation of Israel. The Enochian Anomoly, however, has another suprise and can only be viewed when put under extreme stress.