The Bible and Genetics

by sabastious 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    PART III: Testing Grounds and the Age of Abraham

    The End of Unnatural Selection

    The Serpent's party had been nixed. YHWH here is portrayed much like detective John "The Party Pooper" Kimble in Ivan Reitman's Kindergarten Cop. The state in which the Serpent had the population of the World of Adam made them unaware to basic facts about their natural environment. They were too into themselves. In the story when Noah and his family emerge from the carnage they have to be educated as to what rainbows are. Instead of telling them that they were just not aware of them before, because of the Serpent's spell, he tells them that they are a symbol of his love. A promise that Unnatural Selection would never again be used on the humans. This symbolizes humans being born into the world of the Light from the Darkness. Because of this act of Love from YHWH we today get to enjoy being sons and daughters of Noah the Righteous One. He is well allegorized by the Grandfather telling the story in the movie The Princess Bride. The timeless wise old grandfather out of his element, but not entirely obsolete.

    Worship of the Serpent Through Idols

    Unfortunately the Serpent only lay still until the human populace grew in numbers again. Quickly he gathered the newly born sons and daughters of Light together to worship a shrine called the Tower of Babel. The Serpent's weapon: The Adamic Strain was used again to seduce the people through Logic and Independence. The idea was that if you all worked together, which meant breaking up into classes (slave, slave master), that you were doing the right thing. Humans have always fell prey to the idea that if you can see it it's true. This was the Serpent's next play and it forced YHWH to again make another move in the Game. YHWH chooses to confuse the languages of his own children. This would make it harder for the Serpent to make them worship him by worshipping an idea he concocted. It was the lesser of two evils which is a theme througout the whole Bible.

    The Genetic Leanings of Sodom and Egypt

    Revelation speaks of the children of God being lured into "sexual immorality" and "eating things sacrificed to idols." Egypt in general represents the Serpent's hierarchy and mystical system. Sodom represents the breakdown of morallity within society which ends with the breakdown of that society's sexual norms. What's considered deviant is embraced merely with intent to be independent. The Serpent has very distinguishable characteristics in the story. He plays the humans in a very specific way and and is consistant. He tempts the humans with sex and power. When he wins he just uses them until they are done. Genetically that seems pretty dead on from what I have observed in my life.

    The Mark of Righteous War

    Now that the languages were separate the humans were affectively separated. They then had to write up their own systems and agree on what they called truth. The Serpent's choice to unite the creation against YHWH meant that war was upon them. Finding out which civilization is the strongest is a fools errand and costs too many resources to complete. The best way to live with a neighbor is be their ally not their enemy. However the Serpent uses the warped version of Adamic Independence to maintain contention between lands on any level possible. Rivalry is encourged and collateral is placed on the table even if that means whole cities with woman and children.

    Within this brutal system YHWH does not merely stand back in horror. He chooses a warrior and marks him in a way that strikes fear in his opponents as well as offers a medical benefit. Even today the Israeli Warrior is renowned for their fierce dedication and honor. Abram was the man, and Abraham was the Age he brought forth into the world. Abram exhibited the traits needed to not only lead an army, but settle political and social disputes as well. The majority of the Children of Light were misled, so YHWH created the safe haven of the Nation of Israel.

    The Abrahamic Breed Through Education

    A convent is made directly with him and he is told that he will be made into a great nation. Humans share a common ancestor with apes and are 98% genetically the same to the modern chimp. Primates share the human trait of teaching their the young the secrets of their environment. YHWH knew our genetic roots and understood that to fully continue on a human breed they must be able to teach the Way to their children. Whereas with dog breeders it is easier because this extra complex step is not required.

    Confirming Noahic Faith

    The story of Abraham and Isaac is a peculiar tale when told literally. After Abram's name changes he is very much folklore at that point. A tribute to the great deeds of Abram the Righteous Warrior. However with all the killing that had taken place it was a good time to test the strength of the Enochian Anomoly. The further away you get from it genetically the more chance it has of just fading into the cosmos. Apparently it can be overshadowed to the point that it lays dormant in the human pool. A test was required that would prove that the people in the Dynasty of Abraham still had the prized trait: Noahic Faith. Luckily, the people not only passed the test, but with flying colors. It's important to note that history tells that there were many civilzations that succubmed to child sacrifice. When this happens it's because the Adamic Strain is flourishing for some reason. The book of Genesis clearly indicates that YHWH is against child death of any kind. However it does show that without the trait of Noahic Faith, there is nothing to look forward too.

    Paving the Way for the Messianic Anomaly

    The reason for the Confirmation of the Noahic Faith was because things were getting dicey. They were violent and it appeared that it was only going to get worse, which it very much did. When things get dicey you have suffering and anything there is suffering a Messiah, in some form, is necessary. Eventually the son of Isaac becomes an old man and has corrupt sons who seek power. The Adamic Strain starts to show it's ugly head even within the Nation of Israel. The Enochian Anomoly, however, has another suprise and can only be viewed when put under extreme stress.


  • mP


    The Genetic Leanings of Sodom and Egypt

    Revelation speaks of the children of God being lured into "sexual immorality" and "eating things sacrificed to idols


    S&G were not destroyed for sexual immorality. The text and other commentaries in the NT clearly state they were destroyed for neglecting the poor etc, none say anything about sexuality.

    If im wrong show scriptures.

  • mP


    Worship of the Serpent Through Idols

    Unfortunately the Serpent only lay still until the human populace grew in numbers again. Quickly he gathered the newly born sons and daughters of Light together to worship a shrine called the Tower of Babel. The Serpent's weapon: The Adamic Strain was used again to seduce the people through Logic and Independence. The idea was that if you all worked together, which meant breaking up into classes (slave, slave master), that you were doing the right thing. Humans have always fell prey to the idea that if you can see it it's true. This was the Serpent's next play and it forced YHWH to again make another move in the Game. YHWH chooses to confuse the languages of his own children. This would make it harder for the Serpent to make them worship him by worshipping an idea he concocted. It was the lesser of two evils which is a theme througout the whole Bible.

    Why are you picking on snakes ? THe snake in gen 3 is not satan. Satan is not even mentioned in that chapter and i wonder if he is mentioned anywhere in Genesis itself.

    Snakes are just poor creatures with no legs, they havent corrupted anyone, anymore than a caterpillar has corrupted mankind. Those dumb ancients also said that snakes used to fly before the Eve incident, dont belive everything you read.

  • jwfacts

    Interesting post, and I love the painting. That said, I don't entirely agree with your thoughts about the Bible.

    If you are aware of the history, you will realise there is no such thing as "the bible". There have been numerous books written over a period of thousands of years. Of these, different ones are accepted by different groups as having been inspired. These books have been redacted and differently translated. To this day there are a number of different Bibles in use, with different collections of books.

    Futhermore, there are a number of different concepts on almost every doctrine and issue. You can hardly accept it as ever having been a definitive guidebook. It may provide great historical insight, but is not necessarily the best place to turn for answers on most of life's questions.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I just always pause a bit when someone says they went into a room for a few months and came out anew.

    I know you have a history of dishonesty and attempts at intellectual trickery, but try to be honest. That's not at all what she said. Pretending otherwise is not honest.

    If im wrong show scriptures.

    Sab doesn't do that.

  • sabastious
    mP: S&G were not destroyed for sexual immorality. The text and other commentaries in the NT clearly state they were destroyed for neglecting the poor etc, none say anything about sexuality. If im wrong show scriptures.

    They were not destroyed soley for sexual immorality, but the concept of sexual immorality is epitomized by the two cities and what happened there. As idol worship, slavery and self interest are epitomized by ancient Egypt.

    mP: Why are you picking on snakes ? THe snake in gen 3 is not satan. Satan is not even mentioned in that chapter and i wonder if he is mentioned anywhere in Genesis itself.

    See my post to JwFacts. Also the snake is a perfect allegory for more reasons than it's forked tongue. It's venom is also taken into consideration and it's slow process of which it eats it's prey alive and slowly digests it. However snakes are awesome and I got nothing against the real ones or even snake themes outside of the Bible. It's when they are projected astrally is when you should be afraid.

    Jwfacts: Interesting post, and I love the painting. That said, I don't entirely agree with your thoughts about the Bible.

    If you are aware of the history, you will realise there is no such thing as "the bible". There have been numerous books written over a period of thousands of years. Of these, different ones are accepted by different groups as having been inspired. These books have been redacted and differently translated. To this day there are a number of different Bibles in use, with different collections of books.

    Futhermore, there are a number of different concepts on almost every doctrine and issue. You can hardly accept it as ever having been a definitive guidebook. It may provide great historical insight, but is not necessarily the best place to turn for answers on most of life's questions.

    Hello JWFacts and thank you for your reply. When I say the Bible I mean the Oracle System that was cannonized by the Council of Trent. In invite you to take another look at the painting in the OP. In fact maybe find a larger version of it, it's called Restrictions by John Pitre. Before you look at it again I want you to clear the slate in your mind on what you feel it means. Try to find new elements that you had not seen before. Really take it all in. How do you think you would view the painting 10 years from now if you did the same exercise? 20 years from now? How would it look to your children's children? Well that would be determined by a variety of factors not the least bit being genetics.

    Now, I know that the Bible is a Roman Catholic compilation and I am not Roman Catholic. Nor am I Catholic at all, or Protestant. But that doesn't change the fact that the book they put together is magical. Take for instance the Witnesses. The Witnesses do not look at the Bible as the paintings the books are supposed to be. They not only translated it into jargon, their gatherings involve the opposite of the original intention. Instead of digesting the book piece by piece they break it up into small spells. They are fed into their brains by a hypnosis process learned by the likes of none other than the great Sigmund Freud himself. Magic is just science not explained or embraced. Without the hypnosis you cannot get away with anything. They would have to run an actual church instead of a slavery and pick pocketing joint.

    The Serpent in all of us can be encouraged to grow or not. I believe Freud inadvertently discovered what had actually happened in the Garden of Eden all along. The human ego. The Snake was not a snake, there was no snake. The snake was just an astral projection of Eve and that projection was an entity called Lucifer which means Venus when it rises in the morning. One of the 5 naked eye planets commandeering the human reality. The Evil Prince in ourselves because none can escape the light that shines from Venus in the morning! Adam and Eve "were cast to the Earth" alone with their new best friend. A parasite of the subconscious mind. How does one inoculate for such an organism?

    NVL: I know you have a history of dishonesty and attempts at intellectual trickery, but try to be honest. That's not at all what she said. Pretending otherwise is not honest.
    1 Tim 6
    False Teachers and the Love of Money

    These are the things you are to teach and insist on. 3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4 they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5 and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.

    6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

    mP: If im wrong show scriptures.

    NVL: Sab doesn't do that.

    This blog follows the Bible in order of books. The reason my OP has the John Pitre painting is an attempt to explain what the blog is all about and the style it reflects. There is nothing wrong with a certain style. Like I told JWFacts we were all subject to extreme Nazi Mind Control and it will never go away fully because our egos gave it value for so long. Venus will always rise in the morning.

    Cain had a crisis of conscience which could be called the Cainic Anomoly. He felt justified in changing the way humans worked fundamentally ( Hunter/Shepards - countryfolk or pagan - Agriculturalists/Civilized or non pagan) because he could not live as an uncivilized person. This was in his heart, but when God rejected the change he forced it upon God by killing the ones that he now could not view anything other than savages. This is not a good way to start off being civilized, but it's exactly the way humans worked in our history.

    The believers are the new Native Americans and the militant atheists (not all atheists) are the new White Men. Welcome to the past, now. The second the human ego can say one group is civil and the other savage then bloodshed has always happened and is actually encouraged. However, through education we know that bloodshed is what we come from and we strive to move away from it. However the war still rages on in more sophisticated ways because the Native American's were not savages, but a culture deeply rooted in God and the Serpent who always seems to get a peice of God's pie.


  • sabastious

    PART IV: The Ornate Bloom and the Messianic Anomaly

    Joseph's Gift from Israel and Betrayal

    Jospeh is described in Genesis as especially important as the youngest son as well as being born during Isaac's old age. Isaac is reminded by Joseph of the story of his own immaculate conception. He understands that Joseph represents the coming age because he exhibits all the talents of his forefathers and even more. Certain talents show up in certain people. Often jealously comes from fate seemingly gifting some people over others. Leaving the non gifted to make up for it in other ways or feel forever inferior.

    Israel creates a very special peice of garb for his youngest son. He is obviously going to be the leader showing the traits of the ancestors in a single person. Israel is actually making a mistake by crowning him king too soon. He does not seem to take into account the envy it creates. Joseph doesn't cognitively understand this, but his subconscious is aware of the symbolism of the gift. He is too young to interpret his own dreams and he makes the mistake of telling his brothers his dreams of kingship where they bow down to him. The brothers are infuriated because they had already figured out that their father planned to make him king. The many colored jewels used in the piece denoted high royalty.

    This is where the Serpent comes in with the Adamic Strain. Logic, the pursuit of Independence and percieved disrespect caused them to conspire to murder their own brother. In their mind their father had simply lost his mind, but Isaac was keeping his observations to himself. He knew that his son represented a new Age, it was eventually completely clear to him. That would mean the Age of Abraham was coming to a close. Joseph's brothers conspiring to kill him represents an old age fighting for it's very survival. Everything wants to continue living, even when flawed or obsolete. It's why life and death exist.

    The Enochian Anomoly Strikes Back

    However the Enochian Anomaly still had Reuben, or Judah, to make sure the king was not killed. Even he was seduced by the Serpent for a small time, but YHWH had enogh of him to turn outright murder into slavery. YHWH actually gets the upper hand here even though it's grim for the future king. YHWH knew that Joseph needed to be cast out of his own land and he knew that the Serpent wanted Joseph dead. Jesus said that a prophet is never well spoken of in his own town. This is because of the Serpent's Will. In fact that's just a nice way of saying they get murdered because of jealousy.

    The Path of the Messiah

    Joseph is sold to Egypt and finds himself in some epic adventures which end up showcasing his true abilities. He proves his father right througout the complete story. He was deserving of the ornate cape. Eventually he ends up impressing the Egyptian leaders so much as to get appointed into authority. Eventually his dream ended up being an allegorical representation of his true future. He becomes second is command of Egypt and immediately starts helping out God's children which are in a State of Flux from one generation to the next. Without Zaphenath Paaneah there would not be any representation of the True God in Egypt which is where the Serpent is his strongest. The friendship between Pharaoh and Joseph represents a relationship between YHWH and an Agent of the Serpent who showed traits similar to the Enochian Anomoly, but was not the same and actually highly Adamic.

    The Serpent's Enslavement

    Eventually, however, the Pharoh who was approved by God through Jospeh died and the Serpent could not have been happier. He was in the midst of dividing up the classes of Egypt and Hebrew and creating the Master/Slave arrangement yet again. The Book of Exodus is the story of how the Enochian Anomoly influences a noble of Egypt and frees God's children from the Serpent's grasp.


  • sabastious

    I wanted to comment on the act of homosexuality in regards to the whole Bible. If you were to take the stories of the Bible and turn them into paintings, not leaving out any minor detail, you would need not only a room with four walls, but four rooms with four walls. Let's call this 16 room building the Bible. In order to explain the building's views on homosexuality you would have to visit the first room and find a very small piece of art that is definitely against homosexuality. It would be no bigger than your fist and possibly even smaller than that. Then you would have to go to another room on the second floor and find an equally small piece of art that also is against it.

    The point is that to use these small pieces of art as some sort of hate campaign against gays is surely just a ruse of the Serpent. Independence requires mastering your environment. If you believe in your heart that there is only one way for a gender to operate then you are just creating a division without knowing it. You operate on the false reality that you are actually in control of it and the Serpent has you doing his bidding. Which is why many fundamentalist's like to have their spells broken into smaller bits and call them "scriptures." They might as well be cutting paragraphs out of time magazine and fitting them into their own personal situations to convince others of false ideas.

    On the other hand the homosexual community also has grouped up into packs and use their own style of warfare. If a gay person believes they are any different than a heterosexual person then they are playing into the Serpents hand and will be used accordingly until enough is enough.


  • sabastious

    PART V: A Friendship Lost and the Mosaic Hybrid

    YHWH Under a Spell

    The relationship between Pharaoh and Joseph was a major success in the beginning. However Pharaoh did not educate his sons in the ways of Joseph. Joseph the Egyptian King only existed because his brothers hated him and he impressed the Egyptians. When in the end the agenda was Egyptian. The Serpent lay quiet with Pharaoh's next of kin while YHWH allied with Egypt with the intention of providing food during famine and other humanitarian efforts. This just bode the Serpent time to develop a powerful weapon of destruction. YHWH breaks from the Serpent's spell out of sheer shock that Egypt is commanding the Hebrew mothers to drown their babies. Even Pharaoh had become jealous of the Ornate Bloom and realized that the Hebrews would eventually overthrow them and start their own empire. An empire dedicated to the ideals of Joseph, of all people, who had snuck in from the Age of Abraham. An imposter from his perspective. He likely felt it was his father who was under the spell.

    Divorce From Egypt the Game Changer

    With the killing of YHWH's babies through official order marked the divorce between Egypt and YHWH. Both Joseph and the good Pharaoh had died of old age and a the new regime was obviously an enemy. A dramatic turn of events that has YHWH a little caught of guard. He immediately makes plans to identify the new rules because the Game had just been changed.

    The Mosaic Hybrid

    YHWH identifies the Moses character. The alleged writer of Genesis as well as Exodus. He is depicted as being saved from the Egyptian infantacide and cared for in secret. This Half Blood shows traits of both what YHWH and the Serpent's had been growing. This is a pivotal character in the story because it is up to Moses to decide who is the righteous half. He makes his choice and uses ancient terrorism to destroy the other half. This is opposite to the story of Cain and Abel. This is where Abel gets to destroy Cain in the name of Justice.

    Ancient Terror

    Moses chooses to kill an Egyptian slave driver and flee from Egypt. YHWH finds his Enochian Anomaly and heads for the hills. There Moses recuperates by becoming an Israeli Monk, or Shepherd. The Moses type is the first of YHWH's selected creation that has the capacity to murder. However such a power should come with focus hence the training phase for Moses. In that phase he gets a local wife and learns the ways of Abel, the simple countryfolk. However in his heart he knows himself to be a king because he knows he is smack dab in the middle of a Path of a Messiah. He knows what he must do, he must free the Nation of Israel who now deeply believe they are Egyptian slaves. He must take them from the confines of Egypt and into the outside world.

    As the story goes Moses returns home and commands Pharaoh, who is very prideful having a huge army of slaves who build monuments for him, to let his people go. Pharaoh cannot do this because he is nothing without the Hebrew slaves. Egypt was nothing more than a porcelain doll. This is all because they were enslaving a highly prized people. Moses explained this to them, but they refused to say nothing but "finders keepers."

    The region at the time was going through very bad climate change. The earth was actually heating up and it was changing the way things worked. I believe Moses took it upon himself to poison the Nile River. Every once in a while the Nile would turn red and a very specific chain reaction took place. It involved lots of living frogs, then dead frogs, lice, gnats and many other terrible things. Before the climate change the Nile was too cold for a species of red algae to flourish.

    Moses demonstrated this phenomenon to Pharaoh who may not have been being completely honest about what was happening. After what Moses percieved to be a fair warning, he made sure that the algae grew in the entire Nile river. This spurred a chain reaction of natural disasters that the Pharaoh was not equiped to handle. The Pharaoh's entire role was the safety of the people so more monuments could be made and more ways of making them discovered. To have this kind of natural disaster was surely tp put an end to the world power. That is what the signficance of the killing of all the first born in Egypt is: the annilhation of Egypt's future. This I believe was in retaliation to the Hebrew infantcide. It was people believing justice was being served and I do not condone terrorsim. This is likely why Moses is eventually painted in a bad light by the end of his story. He ends up just becoming too full of himself and his schemes. He thought he was a god himself and in some respects he was.

    Starting Fresh

    Moses in the most gruesome manner possible frees YHWH's people from the enslavement in Egypt. The honeymoon is over and it's time to figure out how to live in a world that could be described as a wretched hive of scum and villainy. What is right? At this point no one seems to know, but the story presses forward just like it always has.


  • mP

    mP: S&G were not destroyed for sexual immorality. The text and other commentaries in the NT clearly state they were destroyed for neglecting the poor etc, none say anything about sexuality. If im wrong show scriptures.


    They were not destroyed soley for sexual immorality, but the concept of sexual immorality is epitomized by the two cities and what happened there. As idol worship, slavery and self interest are epitomized by ancient Egypt.


    You make a lot of statements and im challenging you to give scriptures. Gen 19 contains many troublesome things which for us in OUR time are wrong. The story doesnt give the reason why Jehovah was triggered to action.

    I have listed most commentaries from the Bible below, Ezekiel and Jesus never state sexual crimes were the reasoning for destroying S&G, while Jude has a different opinion. So who is right , was Jesus wrong and Jude right ??

    Ezekeiel 16:49-50:"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen." God states clearly that he destroyed Sodom's sins because of their pride, their excess of food while the poor and needy suffered; sexual activity is not even mentioned.

    Matthew 10:14-15: Jesus implied that the sin of the people of Sodom was to be inhospitable to strangers.

    Luke 10:7-16: This is parallel passage to the verses from Matthew

    2 Peter 6-8: Peter mentions that God destroyed the adults and children of Sodom because the former were ungodly, unprincipled and lawless.

    Jude, Verse 7 : Jude disagreed with Jesus and Ezekeiel; he wrote that Sodom's sins were sexual in nature. Various biblical translations of this passage in Jude describe the sin as: fornication, going after strange flesh, sexual immorality, perverted sensuality, homosexuality, lust of every kind, immoral acts and unnatural lust. It looks as if the translators were unclear of the meaning of the verse in its original Greek, and simply selected their favorite sin to attack. The original Greek is transliterated as: "sarkos heteras." This can be translated as "other flesh" . Ironically, our English word " heterosexual " comes from " heteras ."

    A likely interpretation is that the author of Jude 4 criticized the men of Sodom for wanting to engage in sexual activities with angels. Angels are described in the Bible as a species of created beings who were different from humans. The sin of the people of Sodom would be that of bestiality. Another possibility is that the " other flesh " refers to cannibalism, which was a practice associated with early Canaanite culture. However, there is no mention in Genesis 19 about actually eating the angels.

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