What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?

by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SixofNine


    Oh sorry, I got confused, you said "overlooked" not "over-watched".

    Neil, Rushmore is the only movie I have ever purchased. Excellent! It's neat to see the two guys who run the cosmic cup (on oaklawn) restuaruant in all of the Anderson bro.s movies. One of them has a big role (as the Indian butler) in The Royal Tenenbaums.

    The movie that comes to mind for me in the "overlooked" class, is "Besieged" starring Thandie Newton. I think Benardo Bertoluci directed. A lesson in saying alot with few words.

    Not nearly as overlooked as Besieged, but far more than most mentioned here, is "The Big Kahuna". Kevin Spacey, Danny Devito and Peter Facinelli. Whatever movie got best picture and best actor that year (I think it was Gladiator or Titanic) stole it from a much better movie and performance. It also really makes a thinking witness think more, or at least it did me, with it's themes of spirituality and honesty. I think there is movie to be made along the same lines about witness issues.

    This one will be overlooked till next week, when Halle Berry will win best Actress at the Academies, "Monsters Ball". See it and weep.

  • dedalus

    Rushmore is one of my all-time favorites. Bottle Rocket, from the same writer/director, is also very very good. Has anyone seen The Royal Tenenbaums? Another great one from Wes Anderson! I don't think it's overlooked, though, not right now, anyway.

    Whit Stillman's Metropolitan is very good, witty, literate -- I like it because I was actually kind of like some of the kids in that film, when I was their age.


  • LB

    I HATED The Royal Tenenbaums with a passion. Only saving grace was I went to the discount show to see it.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • dedalus


    I HATED The Royal Tenenbaums with a passion. Only saving grace was I went to the discount show to see it.
    You and I can never be friends now.


  • RationalWitness

    "Wings of the Dove". Both an early 20th century 'Greek Tragedy' and a story of redemption. Set in London and Venice. Lush period piece, with Helena Bonham Carter as the dark, brooding romantic lead, unable to rise above her conflicted desires. If you've ever been confused about love and reality, ever been driven by desire to the brink (or beyond) of obsession, you should identify with Carter's character at some level. If you've ever felt the need for redemption, you'll identify with the male lead's character. If you can deal with bitter-sweet endings, you might enjoy this one.


  • dedalus

    I don't know if it's entirely "overlooked," but Fight Club is a very, very good film. Tyler Durden's vision of utopia is a complex one, more than the anti-corporate rhetoric with which it is varnished. I wrote a paper on it last semester, and found it almost impossible to account for all of the different elements of the film.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Seems no one's mentioned one of my favorites, RE-ANIMATOR, a look inside Watchtower LAboratories and the possible fate of Joe Rutherford's corpse.


  • thewiz

    what about the highly overlooked films:

    Little Oral Annie?
    Anal Institution
    White girls who like to suck...
    Stiff Competition

  • waiting


    Lord, does that bring back memories! We watched it really late at night - and I kept putting a pillow over my face so I wouldn't wake my kids with all my laughter, "eeeewww's", and screams.

    Next morning, my daughter asked me "what were you watching that may you scream & laugh so loud?"

    Great silliness!!!!!!! The sequel wasn't, however.

    The Piano was really good - such an odd love story. Loved her music.

    I also recently rented The Man Who Cried with Johnny Depp. Really good - about Jews, Gypsies, Italians in France during WWII - and the Germans coming in. And, of course, Mr. Depp is just beautiful - and sulky as ever.

    I remember the series "V" - my kids watched it with religious fervor.

    Harry and Maude is a classic offbeat romance. The woman actress is wonderful.

    Another overlook Something This Way Wicked Comes - spookily eerie. It was put in the children's section - it dealt with circus & some kids. I was in the kitchen, started listening - and then just sat on end of the coffee table and stared at the screen. Fascinating.
    Certainly, not for little kids. Great.


  • gumby

    I like movies that make you really think or look at things differently.

    "Slingblade":...Made me realize how people can be so honest, that they act upon their beliefs regardless of the consequences.

    "The truman show": A person can only know... what he has been exposed to.

    "The Game". A mind can do things we wouldn't dare doing if it is pushed hard enough.

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