Knife In The Water, directed by Roman Polanski. In Polish but Subtitled. Fabulous!
What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?
by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment
Guys, I'm sorry I am hogging this post...LOL. I used to work at a video store...can you tell??
I can't believe someone actually remembers "V". You were a kid, huh? That makes me feel really...umm....old .Thirteenth Floor was really good....and wasn't highly rated. It made me think of a couple of really not-so-popular but GREAT sci-fi movies I saw...Dark City and Cube. Really good movies!! Also, Gretchen Moll (who stars in 13th Floor) is in another movie that was never really publicized called Music From Another Room (romantic comedy). It was really..."cute".
Boxcar Bertha...Scorsese's first I think.Barbara Hershey in the nip!
Android...strange sci-fi with Klaus kinski
Wages of fear about truck in south america loaded with nitro glycerine
Running on Empty...River Phoenix and fam on the lam from government
Deep Cover .. Jeff Goldblum and Larry Fishburne messing with drugs
Runaway Train...Jon Voight and Eric Roberts..awesome movie -
How about,The bible book of fact and prophesy and also woody allens ;The Front
Luved What's up doc?' and The 'god's must be crazy'.
tyy why am I not suprised you liked 'strange brew'??? hahahha 'Well no point in steering now!'
some of my favs: "In-Laws"--Peter Falk and Alan Arkin
"Top Secret"--Val Kilmer
"Better off Dead"--John Cusack
I'm sure I'll think of more in a second...I can't belive no one's mentioned 'The Great Race' or 'Murder by Death' hahahahhaha
"Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."
Hi joy2bfree,
The key to playing the 3rd movement of the Moonlight are loose wrists and forearms. I love that one, and also play the Pathetique and Apassionata.
Here are a couple of pieces I recently did. (On a poor piano and only in one take. My parrot competes with me in the Liebestraum.
You'll need a Real Media player to hear these, but if you don't have one, you can download a basic player for free at:Anyway, here they are:
My favourite movies: Agree with others' choices of The Piano and What's up Doc? I would add:
Fargo, The Godfather I & II, All About Eve, Terms of EndearmentTo Joelbear, "can't remember a single other movie where there was actually a character that was a JW."
I hope to contribute a movie in the future. I'm working on a screenplay based on my upcoming Memoir: Father's Touch ( me see, how many Witnesses in it..2 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 4 ... Gee, I don't want to spoil the story ...My dream director team: The Coen Brothers
I don't typically go to movies to see real life-y type of stuff. I like funny flicks that let me escape and laugh.
I positively love Joel and Ethan Coen. I haven't met many people that have seen Raising Arizona, one of my favorite overlooked movies. Absolutely hilarious - typical Coen brothers style! If you haven't seen it and are a Coen brothers it! You'll not be disappointed.
Has anyone else seen O Brother Where Art Thou?? It didn't seem to make it that big at the box office, but I thought it was great!
Andi - weird sense of humor class
I loved Raising Arizona...Remember when the kid stood in the middle of the street..hilarious?
I love dark humour/witty realism.
I loved "Oh Brother Where Art Thou." Not your typical movie but so many funny lines.
"You guys are dumber than a bag of hammers!"
"Not the livestock!"