
by Lady Lee 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina


    As stillajwexelder said, great thread - despite my efforts to derail it... [I must be losing me touch...]

  • cyberjesus

    if callying names is one of the features of cyber bullies... then whats calling someone a cyber bully? or calling a cyber bully a coward?

    Calling someone Idiot is bullying him, calling someone smart is what?

    Isnt that the same action just in the other end of the spectrum?

    What is the difference between saying "you are an idiot" and "I think you are an idiot" and "that was an idiotic comment"?

  • cyberjesus

    I think that calling someone either word (pejorative or complimentary) if you dont know that person its meaningless.

    You can call me an idiot or a brilliant person.... but it doesnt matter to me. it doesnt offend me. We should not based our self steem in what other think but what we think of ourselves.

    Some might choose to police the world to ensure we all use the "right" words... Some might just enjoy watching.

    im just cyber-thinking

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have a different take on the Flinstones, All in the Family, and the Honeymooners. My child's view is different from my present one. I, too, grew up with great violence and cruelty. Ralph Kramden made me nervous. Why could Alice be treated the way Trixie was? Archie Bunker I always saw as the butt of the joke. Often, I felt it went too far. Mike was no miracle son =in-law. Easy to attack someone for a lack of education when he puts food on the table so you can have an education.

    I adore the Honeymooners now. As an adult, I see Ralph dependent on Alice who runs the show. He never slapped her, let alone sent her to the moon.

    My disappointment is with my favorite show, I Love Lucy. The sexual politics are so warped and downright evil that it dates the show too much. It is good to see how women were treated as little play things to be spanked. Lucy calls the shots, though, not Ricky.

    These shows pay tribute to male supremacy. It makes me uneasy. Beneath the surface, though, the woman is the primary player and shaper of the action. Archie was softened by Edith.

    Honestly, I adored I Love Lucy for decades. I still watch it but often, I turn off the TV, upset at the degradation of women that is not funny now and was not funny then.

  • cantleave

    Cyber jesus, i must say I was bullying eggnog! He didn't take a blind bit of notice, too thick (skinned), but it was my bad. I will now aim venom at his stupid, idiotic posts and not him.

  • cyberjesus

    If I call someones comment "idiotic" what makes me an authority in qualifing a comment idiotic or brilliant?

    By the way I watch the flinstones when I was little. They were fun to watch. And I didnt learn that it was ok to yell at your wife nor to eat brontosauros meat not to break my car with my feet. I learned nothing. It was a cartoon. I learn how to treat other from what my parents 1)told me, 2)did to each other.

  • cantleave
    If I call someones comment "idiotic" what makes me an authority in qualifing a comment idiotic or brilliant?

    You don't need to be qualified to assert an opinion.

  • cyberjesus

    Cantleave. "I" think what we say about someone doesnt really tells you anything about that person but about ourselves.

    our words are the result of the digestive system of our thoughts

  • cyberjesus

    my point is that even qualifying anything might be an attitude an action a comment or whatever its only our perception, our opinion not a black and white reality.

    Some things are immoral for some and for others they arent.

    a woman walks with no bra on the beach.... is it immoral? is it bad? is it dirty? it all depends for whom and where. to me its fantastic

  • cantleave
    a woman walks with no bra on the beach.... is it immoral? is it bad? is it dirty?

    It depends on what she looks like!

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