no-one can speak on God's behalf.
There is One, dear Char (peace to you!), but only One. Sorry, but your statement was inaccurate, so...
Bullshit. What need does anybody have of belief in a supernatural busybody before they can demonstrate "Love, kindness, mercy, joy, peace, long-suffering, forgiveness, compassion, pity, mildness, self-control"?
Look at the world around you. I realize that you and many others think the world would be better. Not so. As bad as it is, it would be worse. Some would not able to exercise these qualities without such... ummmmmm... guidance and/or restraint. And while it's true that there are just as many heinous folk out there who profess a belief in "God"... many of them are really lying and just invoking "God" because they know the power that doing so results. I am not suggesting that the majority of mankind are... ummmmmm... "bad." But it only takes a few, does it not?
For some of us, though, that belief is not in a busybody, supernatural or not. I mean, given the comments regarding His "absence," how do you now call Him a "busybody"? He actually isn't either; He offers... but it's up to us to "take". No one is made to... except by man (who pushes "God's Law" as if their own... to the detriment of many).
As for His supernaturalness... no such thing. That would mean God/Christ are of the same nature as us (which they are not) but only more: "super" natural. Their nature is not even the same as ours, however: it is higher. It is their nature, then, that some of us aspire to. Since they already possess it, why not learn from someone who knows... rather than those who do not at all (i.e., beware the naked man who offers you his shirt).
Again, peace to you both!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,