Sweet Baby> Thanks for the reply. Believe me, I do understand your pain. Seems like we have a couple of things in common. I to have been beating my head against the wall trying to reason with my family. I also live in the bible belt (if NC is the bible belt). I know we have plenty of Southern Baptist around here.
I mentioned before and I truly to think that everyone should have the right to believe whatever they want to, or not to believe, whatever. I certainly don't know everything but so far, to me it seems like God/Bible is the best explanation. I have been listening to a Christian apologist by the name of Ravi Zacharius and while I don't agree with everything he says, a lot of it does make sense to me.
I will agree that Bill Mahr makes some funny comments but after listening to people like Ravi and William Lane Craig, I certainly feel that it is not as cut and dried as Mahr or Dawson make it sound. As far as exactly how we were created, whether Jesus is God or not, and stuff like that I just don't know. I think on the deeper things like that we are like a tribe in middle of the amazon jungle that has never moved more than 50 miles in any direction debating about which is better a Porche or a Ferrari, or like debating the musical ability of Bethovan vs. Mozart.
What I am saying is I don't know it all, and I understand that. I do however know one thing. I know I want my family out of the BORG. I know that they are a high control group that lies and misleads people for profit and power. That is the only reason I mentioned your post.
I thank you as well for being so polite in your responce. It is a nice break from how many forums go.
Good luck with your family and have a great day.