I think if there are changes they will be big but not huge. Like some have stated here...the D2D is the brand. It won't go away! I do think there will be modifications to the end of making the WTS less liable. I think Doctrine will be left alone (144,000, 1914 etc) although maybe more tweeks to blood...
Here's my guess:
No more time slips (it takes a connection away to the boys in NY...almost like reporting your hrs worked to an employer)
We will have to sign a waiver that you are sharing YOUR OWN faith, and not representing WTS Inc. (Pioneers and Aux.P's already sign a "contract", what's one more?)
Private meetings for FS not organized by the cong.
WT and AWAKE for RVs only. Tracts used for general D2D.
And not related to D2D...but I agree with the speculation that we're going to 2 Day DCs...just makes sense from a buisness standpoint.