YOur smirky answers always end up with you, a brainwashed JW with little apparent education, determining what is ultimately truth and wha tis ultimately false. Peope post here to share information. No one member here defines absolute truth for anyone else. To put the matter simply, we grant you no legitimacy. YOur are the moutpiece of an organizatin with proven lies and distortions.
Any idiot can read the Internet and see myriad lies.
You have no power to decide how we will think. IN fact, your beloved org. would seriously sanction you or disfellowship for merely visiting this site, let alone engaging us. You have NO power here. We don't even care what you believe. Just the fact that you remain a Witness is an excellent reason to suspect your judgment. A brainwashed person cannot read text neutrally.
I am a trained lawyer when I read text, I do not bring my dissident viewpoint to it. As much as humanly possible, I filter out my dissident beliefs and focus on text. You are clearly unable to come close to approaching matter in an academic manner. I make a point of reading scripture after scripture in consecutive verses for an entire Bible book. Only after I have pondered what the text actually says do I call a nondenominatinal seminary and ask what the leading academic treatise is. To jump right to the treatise or WT, would compromise my reading comprehension. Often, I disagree with authors and write that I find a thought or argument insufficient in the margins. When all this done, then I acknowledge that I must still be filtered some part through my bias.
We reject your insight precisely because you are brainwashed. You are incapable of evaluation material the way normal people do. I was born-in. There was no choice for me. I suffered deeply. Authorities were mocked. By third or fourth grade, I could realize the brothers were so illterate that they had no grasp of WT doctrine or even the answers to the simplsitic questions.
This is the hard part for you. Others here, while apostate, don't define my beliefs. I was pinched kicked, reviled, demeaned and the WT doctrine shoved down my throat. Public school was my refuge. A 3rd grade reading comrpehension was enough to prove the WT wrong. My main dispute is not so much with WT doctrine. It is blasphemeously NOT Christians. Christians are Christ centered. We believe Christ is fully human and fully God. This idea that he is a minor angel is completely rejected. YWHW is completely immoral. No love is present. Only terror.
This is I know my Bethelite father - the basic doctrines do not lead to about 99% of JW culture. They repeatedly go so far beyond what is written in scripture. No one agrees with their history. They are reduced to quoting Nuremberg convicted theologians without even a FN to explain why or even put the reader on notice they are stooping to utter filth to make a point. What bothers me is so many times the truly outrageous comments are not necessary to their main point or any doctrine. They seem to make outrageous comments just to make outrageous comments. Reject govt. authority - Do not use the postal service, commercial carriers, airports, roads, police, fire, -the whole range of govt. functions that protect us from chaos and anarchy.
Learn some humility. If their are stating the truth, the truth will inevitably win. My mom used to comfot be concerning Armageddon and comments. First, most of the despise teachings were never JW teachings, until Rutherford's putsch. They did not feel warm towards Knorr but Rutherford was reviled by every Bethelite I ever met. Not so much for teachings as his nasty personalith and lack of love. My dad inheirited my great uncle Frank's WT lit from Russell's days. Crosses and occult symbols were all over the place. My mom told me that Christmas was celebrated at Bethel. They even had a tree. WT lit was recommended for Christmas books. My mom lived through four Armageddon dates before 1975. One particular date was very distressing. She was a child and absolutely terrified. Family friends (The WT was a much smaller and warmer community then) sold all their assets nad ascended a mountain in NJ. NO Armageddon. The Society did nothing as tho they came down with no assets. The campaign against all religion and the view that Anglo-Americans interests were Satanic meant heavy persecution.
No one big at Bethel suffered. No, my relatives went to prison. I can still see prison as noble for your beliefs. Quakers and other anabapstist have been doing it for centuries. Dietrich Bonhoffer was executed in Germany for acting on his Christian beliefs. What is the point of sacrifice when the belief framework changes drastically every few years. I sat in Yankee Stadium when Franz heralded 1975. We were shocked that in light of past history, he would dare set a date. It was thrilling. Unless one pored every word as tho his speech were a legal document, he phrased matters for all to believe 1975 would be the ultimate triumph. Christ would return with very unChrist like happenings. Later, in defeat, the Society said Franz never said 1975. Well, he littered his speech with 1975. As a teenager, though, I realize he had too many contingent events to take it seriously but as a good JW girl, I was terrified out of my mind. Bethel had many reasons to know Witnesses were changing their lives to their detriment to prepare for 1975. Let me large about this. A misunderstanding happened. Any other group would have clarified the notion in their primary publication and also discussed it at the KH level. Later, we were blamed for hearing what our ears heard.
Legitimacy must be earned. Merely saying you are God Incarnate does not make you say so. And despite your lack of skills, you persist in doing what this wondrous org. tells you to do. It is not your place to argue with us, according to the WT. If you supply us with your name and address, we are perfectly willing to send the GB letters, promclaiming your presence here. Think of all the Bethel brownie points you can get. I would love such a letter from the group to the Presiding Bishop of my church. What a coup. Your beliefs places you in the dark shadows here.
Your hubris is overhwelming.