Ok jwfacts and several others claim they have addressed my four questions. I will go back to the very beginning of this thread and wade thru all the muck to see if I can find these answers. But I won't hold my breath.
Jwfacts-- More Lies But This Time About The Great Crowd
by Recovery 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Go back the past 1 or 2 pages. Or I can copy and paste if you need.
and look at your faithful and discreet slave page, I responded to that, especially after seeing your post about being dissappointed very few if any scriptures used, I look forward to hearing your reply on your faithful and discreet slave thread :)
Recovery, since you were joking in your reply to King Solomon regarding a bible discrepancy (evolution, whales, order of creation), I take it that you did not take KS's question seriously.
Are you serious about being taken seriously yourself?
Um Band on the Run does not speak for all of us. Wifey and I read John the entire book and did NOT come away thinking Jesus was fully God and fully Man....We came away with the basics of what Witnesses teach.
I also don't believe he is fully God and fully Man. If Recovery thinks all ex jw's believe in the same thing he is majorly mistaken.
This is what Debuhn has to say.
Are JWs supposed to care what Debuhn says? Why dont you quote 90% of mainstream scholars who believe in some version of the pagan Trinity doctrine. Can jwfacts and endofmysteries please point out which posts addressed my four questions, thanks.
Jgnats My response wasnt serious because King Solomons assertion wasnt completely accurate.
Band on the Run
My personal take is that you have screwed around with us enough. While you should not be banned, answering your questin legitimizes you. It gives you a big head. As if you care at all about the material.
I no longer think in a WT frame of mind. The Bible is clearly not inerrant. Revelation referred to contemporary events at the time of its writing. My college prof, Elaine Pagels, recently wrote a popular book on Revelation. There is no sign that we live in other than ordinary time now. Generations after generations of humans like to believe their time is special. John of Patmos wrote of events facing the church in his day. It was a time of martyrdom. Martrydom was bad enough but Paul and other early Christians believed Jesus would come before they faced a natural death.
John wrote to give comfort to the oppressed. HIs message was only a little while longer. John ends by stating, Come! Lord Jesus.
Generations of Christians, hard pressed to address suffering, esp. suffering for Christ, have echoed Come, Lord Jesus. Jesus is AWOL.
Such is Christian belief. What about humans who are not Christian? What about Jews, God's Chosen People? HOw about people born to Taoists, Buddhists, Hindus. I believe Christ is the means of explaining God in my particular Christian tradition. To believe that all peoples must worsihp Christ or Christ will destroy them is simply ignorant. It reflects minds who are too centered on themselves and cannot see parallels between all religions.
Come, Lord Jesus. WEll, he did not come when Russell said he would. Neither did he come when Freddie Franz said he would. It all makes sense b/c Jesus expressly said, "NO man knows the hour." Jesus comes as a thief.
All your arguments depend on one factor for validity. The WT must be the sole conduit of God. There is zero evidence for this assertion. God works and has worked with all people in all time. We can only account for human history, which is not even a fraction of known time on this particular planet. Jesus said we could tell who was Christian by their love.
YOu are ignorant. They are value judgments I am quite comfortable. You know you have no JW business being here. If you are so correct and pure, Bethel officials and your KH elders should know. You hide behind an avatar. I welcome the opportunity to state my beliefs to the WT. Since I am older and my family has been in since Russell's day, part of my purpose here is to serve as a witness.
My father wasted his time reading and writing antiCathollic diatribe, a skill honed under Russell. Well, he was very depressed when a Jesuit beat the pants off him. Ignorance never wins. The truth should set you free, not enslave you to a bunch of human men. Don't let me get started about the self-importance of your penis and Witness beliefs concerning women. I am woman. Hear me roar.
We believe Christ is fully human and fully God.
Holy Trinity high five!