reposting my response as recovery asked.....
Okay, you asked how will the people be gathered to the waters of life. My question is in the old testament the waters of life are in Jerusalem, they will come from under the temple in the future. Then Jesus said that YOU or his followers are the temple and the water of life will bubble inside of them. Then in Revelation the temple is in heaven and doesn't really explain if the waters are spiritual or in the heaven or flowing from heaven to earth. So can you explain why the waters are described differently in all of those cases, and where WILL the be? Is it on earth, in heaven, or inside yourself? I can't answer that question since the bible speaking of them in each case has them originating from a different source, always a temple, but either earthly, within yourself, or in heaven.
Your 2nd question, it says he WILL wipe out every tear from their eye and death will be no more, etc etc, the former things have passed away. That "will" doesn't have to mean a future event at the time of the great crowd event. Since it's speaking of the future, the 'will' can mean in relation to reading it right now.
The reason I say this,,,,you didn't address any of my scriptures on the resurrection, but out of all of them 1 Cor 15:53-56. "For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality. 54 But when [this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and] this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying will take place that is written: “Death is swallowed up forever.” 55 “Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?” 56 The sting producing death is sin, but the power for sin is the Law."
This great crowd, where "DEATH WILL BE NO MORE", according to 1 Cor 15:53-56 death is no more because they are MADE SPIRIT IMMORTAL. READ 1 Cor 15:53-56. Is there any scripture that shows FLESH being resurrected that will never die?
When Jesus said in the resurrection they won't marry because they will be as angels, based on those last scriptures the resurrection is into a spirit, and it would make sense then.
So when it says in Revelation, 'death will be no more', since 1 Cor 15:53-56 makes clear the REASON it will be no more is because they were resurrected as IMMORTAL SPIRITS, where can you find a scripture that says ones will be resurrected in the flesh and live eternally as flesh? I think it's a possibility, but I haven't seen any scriptures saying it for sure, like how 1 Cor 15:53-56 speaks of those being resurrected as spirit FOR SURE being immortal. List one scripture that speaks of a fleshly resurrection that will live eternal.
Also, since it's taught that JW's who live during armagedon may never die at all, if they pass the great tribulation, and remain flesh forever, how does that go with Hebrews 9:27 - "and as it is reserved for men to DIE ONCE for all time, but AFTER THIS a judgement". What exactly does that scripture mean, man must die ONCE and THEN a judgement?
That's interesting too, it doesn't say they are resurrected and given a second chance, but after they die ONCE, THEN they get a judgement. So the JW logic that any who die before the great tribulation get a free 2nd chance, and those who happen to live to it, it's the end game for them. It's not scriptual. If it is, please list ONE scripture that says that!
It's also interesting if you look up about the thousand year reign, it says AFTER it's ended is when the dead are raised, and judged. So that would be in harmony with Heb 9:27, man dies for one time, then there is a judgement. In Rev when it speaks of that, it says books opened and they are judged based on what's inside them. Sounds like it's saying they are raised and judged by what they did while living.
So based on scriptures alone, nothing twisted, just the scriptures alone, they are all showing those who die, that those who get eternal life are those who become spirit. I don't see anything showing a resurrection on earth and living forever on earth after that resurrection, nor a resurrection with a 2nd chance and then judged after that.
So I gave scriptures about what happens to those who die and the resurrection. Can you explain why they say that if it's not true? If this great crowd is who God wipes out every tear from their eye and death will be no more, if death is no more only for those who are immortal, then that would mean they are in heaven then wouldn't it?