Oh please remove yourself from the bandwagon, you know you are just not thinking clearly. I honestly cannot believe how many people are swayed by raw testosterone
Oh Sabby, a failed attempt at chastising people for not loving a failed cause is just sad. Move on, man. Move on, move up, grow a set, act like an adult.
KS, your interpretation of Exodus is wrong, just like your interpretation of the YHWH character is wrong.
Fail, Sabby. There is no need to interpret Exodus. It's a story, no different from the BS you make up and pass off as truth. There is no hidden message, not secret decoder ring hidden in the story just waiting 4000 years for a very very special person named Sabby to find it and decode it for all of humanity to see. I say that for two reasons 1) God was an ass, he would just kill anyone who didn't get it on the spot and 2) He sure as hell wouldn't pick someone named Sabby.
Other than he has a large bazooka pointed directly on God's forehead.
Wrong. I don't give a shit about imaginary gods.
Nonetheless I don't think this particular interpretation is unique to me.
You endorse slavery, think the Torah talks about genetics and believe that cutting off baby foreskins is the same as gravity because God. Who, besides you, thinks that?
To give some perspective on why I am just so combative on this issue is that I actually believe my religion. I don't think there are many people in my culture who actually believe in what they say they do. They may totally feel like they do, but reality and what we perceive as reality are obviously seperate perspectives.
Ah, so you think YOU are the true Christian above all others.
Damn shame Christ said he who is first is last. You seem to think you are above all others, meaning, according to Jesus, you are the least thing to him. According to Jesus, you should get away from him because he doesn't and never will know you.
I have mentioned your hubris, your pride, your superiority ideas many times. Perhaps now you will realize how you are forcing Jesus to abandon you for your puffed up ways, your pride, your presumption that you are above others in in your devotion, when, in a sad version of reality, you are only devoted to the demented ideas of your own making.
Jesus will accept you back, all you have to do is humble yourself. Can you do it is the only question.