Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • braincleaned

    I became an atheist before even questioning the WTS. Weird, huh? The rest fell in logical order, and I was not surprised to find out what a man-made organization the WTS is.I disagree just to a point with OUTLAW . Science CAN prove Evolution, it has proven the Bible claims false many times (Like the order of Creation, and Creation itself). Where I DO agree, is that we both, atheists and theists, have no evidence for the beginning of "everything".
    Although Science is making some progress with Quantum Physics in that it is now apparent that "Nothing" does not exist. Still, this can be an advantage for both thoughts.

  • braincleaned

    "you are and eventually all in your life will see this for what it truly is, if they have not already unless you repent of your ghastly deeds. Not only do you deny God, but you encourage people to give the Serpent in Revelation a second look. How dare you challenge anyone's assertion that you are anything else but fulfilment of Bible prophecy. You are just a reckless scoffer with nothing to offer the world. Go home."

    Oh my goodness - I'm in tears laughing here! Tell me you are just trolling sabastious... I would hate lauging at you while you would be serious here.
    "... repent of your ghastly deeds..." Man, can't stop laughing... so much fun.

  • sabastious

    Braincleaned, this is not about winning, it's about truth, the hard truth that our world is about to be judged. We cannot sustain for much longer which means something big will be happening pretty soon. People who judge debates based on who said the least amount of negative things about the other are fools. We live in a world where tolerance is being redefined by the intolerant. It's a lot more complicated than you are making it.


  • sabastious
    Oh my goodness - I'm in tears laughing here! Tell me you are just trolling sabastious... I would hate lauging at you while you would be serious here.

    I don't mind being laughed at, I think it's hilarious too. I am the total fundie stereotype. If I cannot laugh at myself then what can I truly accomplish on this planet?


  • EntirelyPossible

    It is funny, braincleaned.

    One last point, sabby, about success. I grew up in a cult, poor, in thesoutheastern US., never went to college. How is it that I managed to make it into the top 3% if the system is so unfair? How is it that i routinely get to do science almost every day?

    Perhaps the limitation is the person, not the world.

  • Satanus

    This seems almost like an unfair fight. Reminds me of the dark knight in monty python. He gets all of his limbs cut off, but still challenges them. He threatens them w a headbut. They just leave him there and walk away. Not sayin you guys should do that. Just sayin.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Sab, in Exodus, the Bible explicitly tells us that YHWH hardened the heart of Pharoah. God did it. He hardened his heart. God. YHWH used God magic to harden his heart. To make him say, "no sirree, no can-d

    The Bible even tells us why: to give YHWH an opportunity to display some miracles (those plagues, crop failures, frogs, boils, etc, not to mention the Red Sea parting, etc). All miracles were done, pointing to the glory of YHWH. He's like a kid who says, "Mommy, look at me! No hands!!". God is kinda like that, likes to be the center of attention, demanding everyone watch the magic show.

    Pharoah was likely a reasonable guy, and he may have even WANTED to have Moses take the Israelites-to-be out of Dodge, but God said, "NOPE, I'm gonna use him to be the heavy in a great story that someday will be made into a movie, starring Charlton Heston and Yul Brenner."

    So if God is willing to harden the hearts of mere mortals, interfering with their "free will" in order to put on a magic how and kill them and others, what else will this God caricature/character do, as an excuse to show off (for his glorification)? Perhaps he'd create an arch-nemesis to do battle with and overcome, giving action movie makers tons of ideas for really cool story-lines in the future?

    Face it, Sab: if YHWH is the God on offer, it's a really GOOD THING that he doesn't exist. The universe is better off without a 5 year old calling the shots!

    Rod Serling made a Twilight Zone episode about a young boy (played by Billy Mummy) who terrorizes his family and the towns-people with his God-like powers. The episode was called "Its a Good Life" i think, and it shouldn't be too hard to Google for it and find on YouTube. Worth a watch, as he obviously had God in mind when they made the episode.

    EP, tuck Sabby in when you're done playing with him. The lil' guy gets tuckered out after battling with you, his archnemesis.

    I disagree just to a point with OUTLAW. Science CAN prove Evolution,...Braincleaned

    You got the wrong guy..LOL!!..

    I`m Agnostic and I believe Evolution is a Fact

    ...........................mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco ... OUTLAW

  • braincleaned

    We have many points in common EntirelyPossible. I grew up poor and had to work at 16 because my dad had MS. But man, I studied and did more homework than anyone. I especially knew my Bible well - and it's ironically while studying my Bible that I found some disturbing questions. Things that made no sense at all. Brought that to the elders, the CO, and nothing -- the CO told me I was too quick for him (sic), and the elders ended up warning me of apostasy. Wow - that started me in 5th gear. I started to look to science, and Bingo! ANSWERS that actually made sense. Of course, answers generate more questions, and so forth - but I am happy now. I at least understand the questions better - MUCH more important than the answers that can change with new paradigms.I now understand what evolution really is. I can see - finally - the WTS for the Faithful and Discreet Clowns that they are. And finally, I can disregard the Bible for what it also is. But that's my perspective.

  • braincleaned

    Oh OUTLAW! Sorry bro! LOL!!! :D

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