Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    I also have been consistantly telling him to stop for about a year. I even told him that I was having suicidal ideations after a few of his "locker room taunts" as NewChapter put it one time. He doesn't know when to stop, I'm at my wits end.


  • EntirelyPossible

    Outlaw, I don't like being made fun of, sorry, maybe one day he'll see that?

    Awww, it's so cute when you get butthurt, particularly when you call people slime, pompous, agents of darkness, anti-christs and talk about how you want to beat them and drive nails into them with a hammer.

    Methinks someone loves to dish it out but can't take it. Go cry me a river, kid.

  • supernerdboy

    I read the first 10 pages then got bored and skipped to 29th. Anyway there was a comment that I do not feel like finding but reminded me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGuXCuDb1U . Also:Outlaw: I hate your nodding dog. I do not like dogs and it makes me sick whenever I see it. Anyway, sometimes I agree with you. But most of the time you apose NewC and KingS, whom I almost always agree with, so bummer, I skip most of your posts. :-D

  • tec

    I am not giving him a break, Outlaw. Why would I?

    Because he is obviously upset. In real life. Unlike you (and yes, he can say some insulting things to you as well), but you don't give him a second thought outside of this forum, right?

    Also, because he's asked you to.

    Personally, I don't think you CAN let it go. Not for any of the reasons you state either. I think it has become personal for you.

    You could ignore his posts, EP, instead of responding to them. How hard would that be, really?

    Sab, you should be ignoring EP's posts to you, especially if they are going to make you that upset. No one (other than one or two, and so what?) would think less of you and you should not think less of yourself either.

    This is not a 'get out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat' forum. Not the majority of it, anyway. It is supposed to be a place of support and discussion. The 'heat' can stay in the adult and heated debate section, and that would be a place where that saying would apply.





    It`s a forum..

    People discuss things,we don`t always have to agree..

    Sometimes we learn something by disagreeing..

    Mutley is extremely popular..

    Sometimes posters steal him and I have to use my other dog..


    Sounds good man..I love good scotch..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • cofty

    Sab - This is one of those very rare occasions I agree with Tammy. This isn't healthy for you right now. Take a break and come back when you feel more relaxed and positive.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Because he is obviously upset.

    Also, because he's asked you to.

    You could ignore his posts, EP, instead of responding to them. How hard would that be, really?

    I am sure he is upset. He did ask me to. I could ignore his posts.

    But....why? He likes to call names, to make threats, to talk tough and then, when he is called on it, pretend like he is an innocent victim. I am not the one posting ridiculous stuff. If he doesn't like the response he gets, he can stop posting. His demand to be free to post whatever he likes, to call names, talk about violence and sling insults AND be treated with kid gloves in responses to him falls on deaf ears.

    I'll say it again, if he can't stand the head, get out the kitchen. I will NEVER respect anyone that thinks they can dish it out and then cries like a newborn when it comes time to take it.

  • sabastious

    Cofty, I appreciate the concern, but I don't need to take a break from JWN (slowing down could help). Ignoring EP's posts is the best prescription, which I shall do. I like it here and I think you are a gentleman. However I may choose to respond if and when he says nasty things about me.

    Thanks Tammy, I totally agree.


  • JustHuman14

    Because our life, the Universe, our moral values, everything that we see are govern by laws. I believe there is a Creator, an intelligence behind this.

  • cofty

    I may choose to respond if and when he says nasty things about me.

    Sab - I'm not taking sides, you and I have had a few frank exchanges in the past.

    If I take some of the things you have said seriously then its clear this back-and-forth exchange is not a positive thing for you. Its difficult for others not to respond of some of the things you write so maybe have a breather if you feel it getting you down.

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