I have attended 6 other churches since leaving the WT, and ALL of them had multiple pastors and elder bodies. The pastor's WERE paid, and that was due to their full time service. REAL full time, not 70 hours a month. 40+ hours a week. If you want a full time servant like that, they need to be paid to live. It has nothing to do with greed, it has to do with allowing someone to give ALL their time to serve others. But JWs don't know anything about that. A FULL TIME servant works less than 2 weeks a month (70 hours).
All the churches I attended had a financial program set up to help those in need. What does the WT have? Worldwide work to build branches, kingdom halls, and pay CO's, DO's, and Spec Pio's? Why do you condemn PAID pastors, and the WT pays for these men?
All the churches I attended did not see the need to keep everything "in house". If there was a crime, it should be reported. If there is a need for someone to get help from a mental health professional, they were sent.
So according to my first hand experience, you Ethos, are lying.