non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Caliber - Love is not a hat that god can take off and replace with one called spiteful anger when it suits him. Is he love or is he a petulant child?

    When he specifically ordered the slaughter of defenseless women and infants you still have to show how it was loving.


    Perhaps the way to never be wrong is for an individual to simply say, I don’t know if a genuine personal god exists. Give me a little more time to consider all the different gods on offer and decide if one of them is genuine.

    If I die without coming to a conclusion, a merciful god will send my spirit to high school. I can't believe a loving god would raise me up just to punish me for not being smarter. If I never achieve consciousness again, then I will not be in a position to rue my procrastination.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Cofty, I believe this to mean that while there is truth to Darwins theories regarding common ancestry, Dawinism is the attempt to use his understandings to explain away the apparent design in nature, and that Darwin's ideas are only compatible with atheism.

  • smmcroberts
    Caliber: Ecl. 3 also adds this below.. ( I will not justify nor judge... but" have faith" that all things will be made right by God in time)
    He has made everything beautiful in its time.

    Ah, and now I picture you saying this after Joshua has completed slicing open the pregnant Canaanite woman, and you are stepping over her bloody remains, and those of her baby and the rest of her family. As you walk through the burning wreckage of her village, stepping over the hacked-up bodies of her neighbors (some still moaning in their death throes) you smile as you look adoringly heavenward, and begin to sing "Everything is beautiful in its own time..."

  • unstopableravens

    you got me with the tire on the engine you found that pic pretty quick lol christ alone how many ex witnesses do you think still believe in a creator vs the amount that dont ? i would guess maybe 80% dont maybe more. just wondering

  • mrsjones5

    " you smile as you look adoringly heavenward, and begin to sing "Everything is beautiful in its own time..."

    fava beans anyone?

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    christ alone how many ex witnesses do you think still believe in a creator vs the amount that dont ? i would guess maybe 80% dont maybe more. just wondering

    I've considered this question myself, and I'd guess the same as you. I tried to do a survey here, but it became apparent almost immediately that it was flawed. Beliefs are so different and varied that it cannot be nailed down. For example, some believe in a higher "energy" without a personality is behind the universe and it's cause. Could this person be categorized as a believer since they are not an atheist? Or would they be considered an agnostic? No,there are too many variables to be considered without a structured study.

    So I can only go off of experience and say that I agree that at least on JWN the ratio of non believer to believer is 80/20.

  • smmcroberts

    @Caliber: Some wrongs cannot be made right, ever. Not even by a god. Not even with an eternity of time.

  • Finkelstein

    We believe that the diversity and interrelation of all life on earth are best explained by the God-ordained process of evolution with common descent. Thus, evolution is not in opposition to God, but a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes. Therefore, we reject ideologies such as Darwinism and Evolutionism that claim that evolution is a purposeless process or that evolution replaces God.

    Counting Evidence of evolution in both earth's geology and biodiversity = more that one can logically perceive and growing

    Counting Evidence of a god or specific supernatural deity = 0

    If a god or god(s) made the earth in its evolutionary processes, then it doesn't care about humanity or all other living species living past and present.

    Therefore worshiping it or trying to talk to it is redundantly useless and has no redeeming value toward humanity.

    Unless of course one is personally avowed to bask in the power and glory of that god. As its known many men throughout human history have

    endeavored themselves with that intent in mind.

  • unstopableravens

    christ alone-thanks i wonder if the stats for the same for other groups like excatholics or mormons or even exmuslims

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