non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina

    Ah..... If what I've observed in nature that disproves the existence of johnny-come-lately Middle Eastern and Near Eastern nomadic late-bronze-age volcano-worshipping superstitious, ignorant tribesmens' "god" is "wrong"...

    Then a lotta rocks, mountains, dinosaur bones, strata, and various and sundry OTHER geological formations gotta lotta 'splainin' to do...

  • cofty

    the tire is not on the engine - unstop...

    It was on a Renault 14

    It sounds as if you need to get clued up on the basics of evolution.

    Shameless plug alert! Maybe this intro will help...

  • Terry

    Non-believers, what if you're wrong?

    I thought the whole point of being a wretched sinners is that you ARE wrong!

    Not only that, but, being a sinner we are past all moral sense.

    To expect a worthless reprobate to figure out a divine truth is asking a one legged man to jitterbug!

    Look up this phrase and think about it for awhile: prevenient grace.

    God does the choosing and man does not.

    John 15:16

    New International Version (NIV)

    16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

  • Etude

    "i dont believe there much that can get an atheist to believe if they dont want to"

    Didn't the words in my post (304) give you a clue about how much I wanted to believe, how much I yearned for what was promised? Why wouldn't anyone want paradise and peace? I didn't start out not wanting to believe and it's not that I don't want to believe now. But, no. The basic reality of life is something entirely different. Even wanting to believe won't make the facts go away. I may end up being wrong. But that doesn't mean that you're alternative will automatically be righy.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Thanks for that, PSacramento! I was going to bring that very site up.

  • caliber
    For some reason I can't help but picture you standing in the battlefield saying this to a pregnant Cannanite who has just witnessed her entire family murdered, and with Joshua's sword poised in the air about to slice open her belly at your compassionate and gracious god's command.
    I don't think she had the "time and space" for that complete manifestation you speak of~~~ Smmcroberts

    Ecl. 3 also adds this below.. ( I will not justify nor judge... but" have faith" that all things will be made right by God in time)

    He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

    Faith, however, is not simply "trust"
    Faith... is "the assured expectation of thing hoped for (so, yes, one CAN "trust" that it will occur, but there's more to it than that)... the evident demonstration of reality... though NOT beheld."

    Faith, then, is believing in something/someone one CAN'T see... with one's eyes (of flesh). ~~ Aguest

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Here is the statement of belief from biologos, and I agree almost fully with it:

    What We Believe
    1. We believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God. By the Holy Spirit it is the “living and active” means through which God speaks to the church today, bearing witness to God’s Son, Jesus, as the divine Logos, or Word of God.
    2. We believe that God also reveals himself in and through the natural world he created, which displays his glory, eternal power, and divine nature. Properly interpreted, Scripture and nature are complementary and faithful witnesses to their common Author.
    3. We believe that all people have sinned against God and are in need of salvation.
    4. We believe in the historical incarnation of Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man. We believe in the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, by which we are saved and reconciled to God.
    5. We believe that God is directly involved in the lives of people today through acts of redemption, personal transformation, and answers to prayer.
    6. We believe that God typically sustains the world using faithful, consistent processes that humans describe as "natural laws." Yet we also affirm that God works outside of natural law in supernatural events, including the miracles described in Scripture. In both natural and supernatural ways, God continues to be directly involved in creation and in human history.
    7. We believe that the methods of science are an important and reliable means to investigate and describe the world God has made. In this, we stand with a long tradition of Christians for whom Christian faith and science are mutually hospitable. Therefore, we reject ideologies such as Materialism and Scientism that claim science is the sole source of knowledge and truth, that science has debunked God and religion, or that the physical world constitutes the whole of reality.
    8. We believe that God created the universe, the earth, and all life over billions of years. God continues to sustain the existence and functioning of the natural world, and the cosmos continues to declare the glory of God. Therefore, we reject ideologies such as Deism that claim the universe is self-sustaining, that God is no longer active in the natural world, or that God is not active in human history.
    9. We believe that the diversity and interrelation of all life on earth are best explained by the God-ordained process of evolution with common descent. Thus, evolution is not in opposition to God, but a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes. Therefore, we reject ideologies such as Darwinism and Evolutionism that claim that evolution is a purposeless process or that evolution replaces God.
    10. We believe that God created humans in biological continuity with all life on earth, but also as spiritual beings. God established a unique relationship with humanity by endowing us with his image and calling us to an elevated position within the created order.
    11. We believe that conversations among Christians about controversial issues of science and faith can and must be conducted with humility, grace, honesty, and compassion as a visible sign of the Spirit’s presence in Christ’s body, the Church.
  • Terry

    If you've ever gone on a free datings site such as Plent of Fish you know that the selection process is based on individual likes and dislikes.

    We like and are attracted to what individually (by our nature) appeals to us alone. Or, to quote the scoundrel Woody Allen: "The heart wants what

    the heart wants."

    If you are "attracted" to god, or so-called spirituality it is specifically what appeals to you. So much variety exists there is plenty to choose from.

    Yet, the scriptures appear to teach that none of that is going on when it comes to the living god.

    That would mean there is something already IN us that is attracted. Sinners are at enmity (hatred) with god by Nature!

    What we are attracted to is OUR OWN understanding. Not any noetic reality.

  • PSacramento

    Christ Alone,

    Biologos has been very helpful in puttinginto words so much that I felt and understood but had a hard time conveying.

    It is important to uderstand that, if we believe that all of creation is in need of redemption ( and as Christian we are suppose to think that) then this extends to anything that Man does and is involved in, including the bible (IMO).

  • cofty
    We believe that the diversity and interrelation of all life on earth are best explained by the God-ordained process of evolution with common descent. Thus, evolution is not in opposition to God, but a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes. Therefore, we reject ideologies such as Darwinism and Evolutionism that claim that evolution is a purposeless process or that evolution replaces God.

    This is puzzling. If Biologos affirm evolution and common descent how can they reject something they call "Darwinism"?

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