non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    But you are still evading a question that is fundamental to your beleifs.

    "How did Jesus' death on the cross result in god forgiving you for your sins?"

  • cyberjesus

    and why God does even need that? God is an idiot. He creates one human....only one... 100% of its production and then makes a copy of its first production from its original.... then both go wrong and since God gave them the ability for self duplication the duplicate but now with errors (sin) and now the create new sins that not even existed in the first place (fornication, drunkness, masturbation) and then it gets out of control.....

    the omnipowerfull God has to control the chaos of its creation and has no choice but to go through all the trouble of creating a flood and keeping the species alive and remove all traces of the same flood but only leaving written record (why go through the trouble of erasing tracks in the first place). So after all this work...destroying, killing, cleaning, erasing..... he couldnt leave Noah with out Sin?.....ooops no he forgot!

    So now this God keeps killing people who are sinners....his own fault in the first place..... confusing language and the only thing that will help him change his mind if he creates another version of his first creation that is spiritual in the first place but somehow is implanted in another faulty copy but this one has the ability of not have sin..... and by that you can get rid of your faulty manufacture but you have to believe in all of this... and change your life ... (which is faulty in the first place, so you cant remove your sins anyway) only to be able to remove those sins when you die ..... however if you didnt believe you still have a chance if your deed where good( but how can they be good if we are sinful in the first place)

    So people in this thread are trying to reason with people who believe in all of that...... expecting that they will understand their pointo view?......

    its a waste of a thanksgiving........

  • cofty

    cyberjesus - I used to believe all of that.

  • cyberjesus

    what if i am wrong? well duh by your definition i am wrong anyway CUZ I AM SINNER! so it doesnt matter.... and if God is angry at me, on the judgement day I will tell him....

    "listen dude, you gave me no option, you deceived me and i tried to believe in your...and all of your servants had such a bad logic that none make sense... sooooo what you gonna do to me? are you gonna send me to burn in hell for the rest of my eternity along with all of the other millions of faulty people you created? ......

    what are you mexican?

  • unstopableravens

    cyber jesus - i disagree with most of what you state(me i cant speak for other believers) you say go is an idiot well i disagree. you say god had no choice after the fall of man. i believe god knew before adam was created what would happen.i dont believe jehovah created jesus i believe that jesus the word never had a beginnig. and i also do not believe in a second change after death for anyone including non believers. im not trying to come off as confritational but i just want to get what i believe out there and its not close to the wt! and cofty the best i can say is 1 peter 2 :24 im not trying to evade ur question

  • cyberjesus

    cofty i know.... and how long it took you to change your mind after honestly searching?

  • cofty

    cofty the best i can say is 1 peter 2 :24 im not trying to evade ur question

    “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

    So what's the connection between Jesus' wounds and your forgiveness? In what way did he bear your sins?

  • cyberjesus

    people who want to believe .... will. thats how magic works....magic does not exist... we allow ourselves to be fooled.

  • cofty

    cofty i know.... and how long it took you to change your mind after honestly searching?

    9 years

  • mrsjones5

    " its a waste of a thanksgiving........"

    So I've been doing something more productive. No point in going back to read any of it since my mind certainly hasn't been changed. Now I'm off to make corn casserole and cream cheese frosting for the carrot cake I just made, the peach cobbler is already done.

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