non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    Suprised at the attitude in your comment, I was very polite.

    As for what you said it "does not mean he is not real!" and "I dont care what you say!"

    I was hoping the next reply from you would be what books? What facts? What evidence?

    Like I said, your answers make it evident you have not stuck your head down the hole yet. Carrying on with my analogy you are insisting its a wizard, to someone who ONCE ALSO believed there was a wizard, so dont tell me i am dismissing the reality of a wizard, but then I looked in the hole.

    One of us has looked at both sides of the evidence. One of us has not.

    P.s. please dont waste peoples precious time by asking questions you dont want answers to.

    snare x

    New Chapter.....I refuse to debate the bugsy/oz issue anymore!

  • unstopableravens

    ok let me explain what i believe drum roll bible times when a person did a crime they were beat whipped ilike when paul said he had beating floggings etc.. whipped forty times less one... so crime equal punshiment we all are born sinners so we all sin jesus never sinned so took the punshment for us. so when he says we are healed i dont believe that means physically but spirtually thats why i earlier quoted romans 6:7 and i believe it is a spirtual healing. ur question was how was jesus suffering connected to my healing ? i hope that answers ur question

  • unstopableravens

    snare i was joking about sparlock i have a good attitute i have been postive this hole time i was just joking hope you did not take it the wrong way

  • sizemik

    So if you committed a crime, you'd be okay with paying someone else to do your lag for you?

    That seems very honorable.

  • unstopableravens

    size mik i think it goes back to rev 13:8 jesus was the lamb slaughter from the foundation of the world he was already to pay the penalty from the start and he payed my fine before i commited the offence so that why i talked about being grateful not like thanks sucker better u than me. it should humble us to thank about what he did

  • snare&racket

    But we havent commited a crime.

    Are you going to argue that this god of yours personifies justice despite punishing every offspring of a man that ate some fruit... The same god that wiped out all mankind but 8 in anger, how that fits into his adam/jesus balance is never explained. The same god that you believe has the right to judge and kill everyone that doesnt do what his book says, despite the book promoting slavery, genocide, sexism, incest, rape, kidnap, murder....

    i have to say, what a dick head god... Believers...what if you are right! Who wants to live under that dictator prick. Throw me in the lake! As hitchens said... If god asked me to sacrifice my firstborn son on an altar, id tell him to go fuck himself!


    what if you are right! ....i would have to go to war against such an evil god! Read your bible if you dont appreciate the significance of his evil arse existing!

  • cofty

    Unstop - thanks.

    So you say we deserve to be punished for our sins and that Jesus took that punishment.

    Why can't god just forgive those that he chooses to forgive? Why did he have to have Jesus die a bloody violent death beofre he would/could forgive?

    Also you say that the punishment for unforgiven sin is eternal punishment in hell.

    In what way can eternal torture for temporal sin be a just or loving punishment?

    I think your attitude has been really good by the way. I'm off to bed soon so if I don't reply I will catch up with you tomorrow.

  • sizemik

    So if you're crime is paid for in advance . . . it's sort of a mechanism for a free ticket to sin isn't it?

    And you're predestined to be bad . . . how can that be a personal crime? It's an inevitability . . . determined to exist by God . . . not you.

    And then you get to pay anyway . . . "let him who wants to come after me, let him pick up his torture stake . . . "

    And yet it's a "free gift"

    These things don't reconcile

  • snare&racket

    Sorry unstop..... I didnt realise you were joking before,

    now im the dick... Totally sorry x

    i am knackered and grumpy (atheist grumpy lol)

  • unstopableravens

    hey cofty thanks thats why i have not choses to always say things because even when im joking about sparlock its takin out of context i thought lol mean laugh not serious i have to be possitve .i mean here i do believe in god i have not ran away from the discussion that i did bring up and i have heard the god i believe in called alsorts of names and i did not react to it. so i vented so back to the topic. i dont think saying how is teporal sin just with eteranal punsihment so more than if someone smokes pot for three days but goes to jail for 10 years. i dont think a time vs time has anything to do with it.

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