If There was a Cosmic Pain meter...

by cofty 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    So, we expect God to do things the way that WE would do them?

    We expect God to be a bigger, all powerful, version of ourself? ....Perhaps he isn't? Perhaps he thinks differently? I do not recall anywhere that he promised to be my guardian angel and cure my headaches, stop me from suffering old age and death - especially the sicknesses that I might have brought on myself through unwise living....

    Just a thought?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    God helps some people deal with and get thru their pain.

    Whether he is real or not.

    Thats why he exist, whether he is real or not.

    He works if you work him.

    That aspect of what he does cant be put in a test tube or under a microscope.

  • cofty

    Thanks for your comments.

    Knownothing - I know you are playing Devil's advocate but you do it so badly I will assume you are actually trying to make theism look bad.

    BTS - You miss my point completely. I acknowledge all the pleasure in the world - did you not make it all the way to the last sentence of my brief OP? Too bad.

    Sulla - yes it did strike me as crass. I am not an unrealistic skeptic who thinks god should make the world into a copy of Disneyworld.

    My question was "is god passively observing our theoretical pain meter or is he in control of it?"

    To put it another way and this to BluesBrother and JamesB as well, how would a world devoid of god look any different from this one?

  • Sulla

    yes it did strike me as crass. I am not an unrealistic skeptic who thinks god should make the world into a copy of Disneyworld.

    Maybe you didn't get all the way to the end of my post. In any case, you actually are arguing that God needs to make the world into Disneyworld right now. Too see this, simply observe that your example of the pain-o-meter is exactly as valid (or not) when anyone anywhere for any reason experiences pain or unhappiness. So, my rejoinder that God, if he exists, should iron my shirt seems apt: my wrinkeld shirt causes me public humiliation whereas ironing it makes me unhappy since it is a chore. Therefore...

    But, as the story of the Temptation shows, the idea that God should solve suffering is a very old concern within the Christian tradition. But the claim that story maintains is that such an emphasis misses the point of the human experience: suffering is a symptom, it is not the disease. The disease is not cured by turning stones to bread.

  • insearchoftruth4

    It makes sense, The All Knower Knows. Its from the womb to the tomb and the all drama in between. Whats next? Please tell me if you know.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Are we not the living proof of the idiot God who placed us here
    Are we not His dirty children, His unwashed sons who He holds dear

    Are we not the proof that there may've been another creator
    If this is the ultimate truth, it had to come out sooner or later

    I've looked for the reason why we're here
    I've kept on searching until it was clear
    I've looked for excuses - can't find no other
    We must be the product of God's kid brother

    Their ivy halls are closed to us
    We scrape to survive and we taste the dust
    The things that we weren't meant to know
    Are spoke of in places where we can't go
    So don't tell me you still find it hard to believe
    That we were made by a different God

    Are we not the proof that there may've been another creator
    Let's run to the volcano and toss a virgin in the crater

    I've looked for the reason why we're here
    I've kept on searching until it was clear
    I've looked for excuses - can't find no other
    We must be the product of God's kid brother

    Their ivy halls are closed to us
    We scrape to survive and do what we must
    The things that we weren't meant to know
    Are spoke of in places where we can't go
    So don't tell me you still find it hard to believe
    That we were made by a different God

    Maybe there are two Gods
    A perfect God who made all those perfect people
    And another God who made the rest of us
    And maybe, just maybe, somewhere there's a Heavenly choir
    That sings off key

    Are we not the proof that there may've been another creator
    We'll dodge our way through life and hope for something greater

    I've looked for the reason why we're here
    I've kept on searching until it was clear
    I've looked for excuses - can't find no other
    We must be the product of God's kid brother

  • tec

    My question was "is god passively observing our theoretical pain meter or is he in control of it?"

    What makes you think these are the only two options?

    What makes you insert the word "passively" as if there could be no other way?



  • cofty

    What makes you think these are the only two options?

    Simple logic. Try it sometime.

    Zed is Dead - loved the poem, where is it from?

  • tec

    Simple logic. Try it sometime.

    Actually, it is a logical fallacy. False dichotomy or something. So no, I would rather not give it a try.

    You have come up with two scenarios, both of them painting God bad (kind of your thing), based on the very limited information (and misinformation) that you have. I have no idea how you can possibly conclude that there are no other options than these.




    Hey Cofty..

    Do you think there may not be a God as a Person,but as the Sum of Everything?..

    God as a Person,would have a lot of explaining to do..

    ............................. mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

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