yes it did strike me as crass. I am not an unrealistic skeptic who thinks god should make the world into a copy of Disneyworld.
Maybe you didn't get all the way to the end of my post. In any case, you actually are arguing that God needs to make the world into Disneyworld right now. Too see this, simply observe that your example of the pain-o-meter is exactly as valid (or not) when anyone anywhere for any reason experiences pain or unhappiness. So, my rejoinder that God, if he exists, should iron my shirt seems apt: my wrinkeld shirt causes me public humiliation whereas ironing it makes me unhappy since it is a chore. Therefore...
But, as the story of the Temptation shows, the idea that God should solve suffering is a very old concern within the Christian tradition. But the claim that story maintains is that such an emphasis misses the point of the human experience: suffering is a symptom, it is not the disease. The disease is not cured by turning stones to bread.