If There was a Cosmic Pain meter...

by cofty 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Can you say more about what you mean by that please Outlaw?

  • cofty

    I have no idea how you can possibly conclude that there are no other options than these. - Tammy

    So suggest one.


    Hey Cofty..

    I`ll try..

    Some people don`t believe there is an Actual Person that is God..

    They believe God is the total sum of all things..

    Good/Evil/Birds/Trees/people/water/Air.. Ect..Ect..ect..

    We are all part of God or Higher Power..

    ..................... mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • cofty

    I understand what you mean.

    Is this not just an example of semantics though? Does it go any deeper than a notion that makes people feel all warm and fuzzy?

  • tec

    So suggest one.

    It is not like this is the first time we have had this conversation. You will reject every other possibility as nonsense.

    But okay, here is a start:

    He is working... not passively observing. Him sending His son was part of that work, to teach us to do good to others. He has been teaching us that since the beginning. WE, however, must choose to either listen or ignore those teachings. We have the world that we have chosen. He teaches us to do better, but it is up to us to listen.

    We don't have the power to end all the suffering in this world. But we could at least end that which we cause, ourselves. We just don't. As long as that remains, no matter what God wants for us, and no matter what he has taught or continues to teach through his Son, we will continue to suffer.

    So He is not passively observing. He is working. When His work is done, so will suffering. In the meantime, most of us are just not willing to follow the lead of the One he sent for us to follow.




    Hey Cofty..

    You get it..Good..

    Can it be proven?..No..It`s just another Idea..

    I tossed it in as an example of what God may be,if there is one..

    Not necessarily a single person we can hold accountable..

    ..................................... mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • cofty

    Tammy - So he sent his son 2000 years ago to dish out a few unoriginal platitudes and that is what you call the best efforts of an omnipotent god?

    He is such an underachiever.

  • cofty

    Outlaw - How would this idea of god look any different from no god at all?

  • tec

    Most people are aware of what Christ taught. Some are aware that He still teaches. Most people are aware of the golden rule in all its various forms... before and after Christ. Most people know what love is...in some form. But despite knowing these things, they still go ahead and do their own thing, ignoring what has been taught (and continues to be taught).

    So like I said... we have a world of our own making, and our own choosing. Consequences of our actions. Good and bad.



  • cofty

    Consequences of human action is only one part of suffering Tammy.

    Jesus contributed little if anything original.

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