Spoiled children? A person who get raped and cry for god to save her while it is going on is a spoiled child? dude... that is so messed up.
I'm not saying rape is a good thing. You sure like to twist things up, build up a lot of strawmans...
Spoiled children in that we want to be masters of ourselves, yet complain to God to solve our problems.
I dont really think you are being honest with me, but if you are, i feel sorry for you. I can simply tell you i do not believe in god and can very easily make the moral distinction between hitler and (for instance) a nurse.
Let's not squirm at the implications, bohm. In a world in which we make the rules, in which morality is subjective, what makes Hitler 'right or wrong'? Let it be noted that I do not endorse his brutality, slaughter, and crimes perpetrated on humanity. I'll post a youtube vid. that will go to the heart of the issue in a bit.
Yah, and we would get a silly book which claimed it was okay to stone people and glorified genocide.. crazy shit.. And people might walk around
and tell each other why the crazy shit was actually moral, but it wouldnt be, because what is good or not does not have to do with what someone
wrote in a book.
It has everything to do with what people opine, unfortunately. Well, if you wish to entertain the discussion a bit, let's get into it.
So anyways, here is a debate with Sam Harris and William Lane Craig on Objective Morality. The debate starts at 4:50, and William is up first.
He makes a good point. Objective morality is independent of human opinion. Good is always good. Bad is always bad. He says, "to say that the Holocaust is objectively evil, is to say that it was evil, even though the Nazis who carried it out, thought that it was good. And it would still have been evil, even if the Nazis had won WWII, and succeeded in brainwashing or exterminating everyone who disagreed with them, so that everybody thought that the Holocaust was good."