"Salvation from sin and what leads from sin, death ( apart from God)."
How does salavation for sin look any different from not being saved from sin?
I mentioned salvation from sin so as to be clear that we are not saved from death ( we all die), what we are saved is from the consequences of sin ( our want to do things apart from God) that lead to being aprt from God ( after we die and while we are alive as well).
"Saved from death" - Really? What does that mean?
"That salvation is a gift of God's grace through Christ so that we may be in Him and He in Us."
Yes all of that. What does that mean exaclty? It just jargon isn't it?
Well, if it is NOT true then, yes, it is jargon.
If it is true then, in accepting Christ we receive the HS and Father and Son abide in Us and we in them.
WHat does that mean?
Our lives are changed in LIFE and death. In life we are guided by the love of Father and Son, we live in other-centered love, we love because they loved us first and so we love all others because of that love. When Father and Son abive in us through thr HS, we become fully human as God intended and we live to love others and to make our world a better palce, a place where God abides in US and ALL his children.
Accepting Christ is suppose to change you for the better.
Does it always? No because in the end, WE are still the ones, like Adam, that decide what to do with Gods Love.