Thoughts on the new AAWA video and other things!!

by iamwhoiam 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot
    ÁrbolesdeArabia - "You put those Bethelites and Governing Body members in the hot seat, and I would bet you would hear them scream Uncle! The Nancy Yueing story demonstrated how cowardly the GB and African-Euro-Asian Branches truly were. How many high ranking JWs do you see sitting in a enternment camp in Eritrea or Pakistan?"

    There's the rub; a true leader never gives an order he wouldn't follow himself.

    Reminds me of something Outlaw once said: "Old-school JWs were Watchtower Warriors; today's JWs are soft..." (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist).

    The Tower's comfy at the top.

  • Simon
    No JW is going to wake up until they are treated badly by the Organization or her fellow friends in the Kingdom Hall

    Exactly, most people join for personal reasons or friends / family and they leave for the same reasons.

  • Simon
    - We’re talking about reducing preventable mortality and morbidity due to Watchtower’s insane blood doctrine.
    - We’re talking about reducing preventable mortality and morbidity due to Watchtower’s failure to encourage that all Witnesses report all cases of suspected child molestation to secular authorities.
    - We’re talking about reducing a extent and type of shunning currently engaged by Watchtower.

    I think they are quite different. We see them as all the same because we see it as "all the WTS" but with #1 and #2 you have government agencies and the legal system on your side (either completely or partially for #1).

    #3 is not something that the government will ever get involved in. It's like having a law that families need to "get on with each other". You couldn't draft legislation for it or ever enforce it.

    I still don't know how shunning can be reduced without being eliminated. Aren't people either shunned or else they are not being shunned?

    Or do you mean at a non-personal level, i.e. number of people who are shunned?

  • *lost*



    another thread ruined with pages of fooking waffle - again !

    it gets so tiresome having to wade through all the pompous crap to try to find the worthwhile comments.

    FFS. '' does my head right in''

    Talk about bloody frustrating.

    Simon - you have the patience of Job.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    On the Abortion thread of the "Killer MD" I asked a question "How come the Watchtower never protests actions like Abortion or Human Rights?" In France the Witnesses gathered to show their solidarity to fight against the taxation imposed on them be France.

    The Watchtower can join the United Nations, allow their people to die from rejecting a blood transfusion, hide a pedophile in plain sight and shun the members who expose the Pedophile Elder (like I was when I exposed the local high ranking pedophile elder) and make them feel like shit for bringing down a useful Engine the GB of the isle of Sodor appointed, so I am from the Devil for exposing him!

    Why do JWs oppose anything if Jehovah is in control of everything? JWs did gather in France to cry about their tax status but they refuse to fight against more noble causes? These are the points Simon is trying to make, you can't take all those Starfish and throw them back into the Ocean when those Starfish refuse to fight against or blindy flow with the immoral tidings of the Governing Body!

  • steve2

    The secret to being tiresome is not knowing when to stop.

  • mrsjones5

    True that. ^^^^

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well I didn't miss much after I ran out for some biz. I think it would be easier for Marvy to just respond with "So's your face". It reflects his lack of maturity which has become obvious through pages and pages of just countering every argument. Even his own. And it's quick. We don't have to read as much and can move on with issues worth spending time on.

    So what are the other things?

  • Terry

    It is my thesis that ALL (well, most) changes or "new light" are the result of a barrage of letters to Society headquarters and phone calls from truly passionate people.

    The tide rolls in and changes the beach upon which it washes.

    Many older teachings have been replaced through the mechanism of QUESTIONS FROM READERS in the Watchtower.

    New teachings are also frequently launched into the laps of members through that same column.

    How does this happen?

    A critical mass develops and becomes radioative to the extent it cannot be contained by the usual containment systems in place.

    The wall of solidarity is breached and the bulwark of official Truth crumbles into a NEW and IMPROVED bullshit alteration.

    Pressure wears away or creates mountains. The same is true for nonsense doctrines at Watchtower Headquarters.

    Why have certain teachings become "matters of conscience" but for the fact pressure was exerted from outside?

    The MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE teaching had a built-in shelf life which was ticking like a time bomb.

    It was barely rescued in time before 2014 made it the obvious bit of lunacy it always seemed to be.

    Why has there been a change in the FDS teaching? Same story! The number of anointed theoretically would decrease as Armageddon countdown

    was in effect. However, wild fluxes and increases made a mockery. Cut bait! The teaching changed. Pressure was too much to bear.

    The erosion of blood fractions, et al, has proved to be a nightmare as every possible wiggle-room stance has been tried.

    Religious exemption from taxes has proved to be a tantalizing inducement for other changes as well.

    The point of all the above demonstration is to highlight that the Watchtower leaders are very vulnerable to the kind of pressure that makes their

    lives a miserable hell: dealing with demands they haven't the wit nor intelligence to engage and overcome without collapse.

    It has proved to be true that the GB would rather tuck tail and invent New Light than defend the indefensible past the point of humiliation in public.

    If we are at least of like mind in our intention to serve notice upon those feckless leaders it doesn't really matter what form that takes.

    It is not in the DICUSSING we force their compliance---but rather it is with our ACTIONS.

    Agreement carries power to change what cannot otherwise be changed.

    Essentially, the religion of The Watchtower Society is a shabby sort of "magic trick".

    Once somebody point out how the trick is done---the magician cannot get away with performing that same trick again!

    Our role is to be the one who POINTS IT OUT!

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    In my opinion, Marvin's opinion is highly opinionated.


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