After the cult how many reject faith in anything?

by Seraphim23 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • SAHS


    I think you’re kind of on the right track. It seems that you have some form of belief in God but not in the classical, orthodox, gothic-like “status quo” type of god that most people have believed in. People like to take God and sort of dress him up like some kind of doll, give him a specific name (Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah), and relate things that he is supposed to have said or commanded through certain prophets – like some kind of celestial “pet” conjured up to suit the cultural, anthropological phenomena of human development.

    I, for one, have what I like to call the “A-B-C” belief regarding God. It is my personal take on the concept of God, as follows:

    (A) There is NO God, there could not be, and everything that exists is solely from the processes of higher-order quantum physics and biological evolution; or,

    (B) There IS, in fact, a divine God, and His name is so-and-so, and he created everything exactly according to the Bible book of Genesis, and he said such-and-such and this-and-that, and if we don’t follow exactly what he commanded in this Scripture and that Scripture, then such-and-such will happen to us and our future will ultimately be such-and-such (i.e., not very good, and not very long); . . . . OR,the following scenario – which is actually what I myself believe:

    (C) There seems to be, in all probability, some kind of process which has the nature of “intelligent design,” BUT which does not definitively fit into the above options (A) or (B) in that the nature of the existence of such would logically be, in all probability, completely foreign and transcendent to the realm of any current theological or even empirical understanding. In other words, there is likely some form of “entity,” the existence of which being that which is the process of the origin of all that is known to exist. Moreover, such “entity” of process is completely and absolutely different than any belief or system of belief of any person or group.

    I think it seems reasonable and plausible to ascribe to the above option (C) when you consider how people who were considered the most intelligent and intuitive people of their time attempted to grapple with fundamental scientific concepts, such as light, electricity, gravity, and even the most basic cosmological understand of the nature of stars, planets, and our relative position in the universe. Don’t forget, in pre-medieval times respected scientists actually believed that light was something that emanated from a person’s eye toward the object of focus and bounced back to convey vision into the eye, and also, around the earlier part of the 1900s, even the renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was not aware of any galaxies other than our own (none had yet been discovered). And quantum physicists are still grappling with gravity (particle or wave?), not to mention dark matter and dark energy.

    Thus, I personally believe that in projecting current human understanding toward the nature of that which is the ultimate causation and engineering of all that is known to exist, there is probably an ultimate “uncertainty principle” in that it would seem to be something which would continue to elude our understanding indefinitely.

  • Heaven

    Once your blinders come off about the validity of the foundational documentation for religion (that being whatever holy book it's based on), then it's pretty easy to discard faith. As children, we are maneuvered through the Bible and belief systems by our families and authority figures. We are told things that are interpretations of what is in the holy book and many times, we are told complete fabrications. It is only after we grow older, widen our gaze, experience, education, and do our own research, that one comes to realize just how much we've been lied to.

    Some people need the crutch that belief gives them (eg Mickey Rourke). If this crutch is doing something good, then believe away. The danger is that this can lead to being manipulated into doing destructive things in the name of good. I saw, as a teenager, that there was an agenda in the Bible as well as the early behaviours and actions of those in the Christian faith that had power and authority. The underlying theme is 'convert or die'. This was physically manifested early on in the faith; later, manifested symbolically where your future eternal life is in jeopardy if you don't get reborn (some present day extremist/radical/fundamentalist groups still hold physical dangers for people if they do not believe).

    It has taken years of my own reflection and research to come to the realization that god is a construct of the human imagination and nothing more.

    So much of what is offered up as 'truth' in the Bible has been disproven. My own conclusions are that if there is an all-powerful, omniscient male spirit being in the heavens and Universe, he wouldn't need a badly written, factually inaccurate, intellectually dishonest, and contradictory book to tell us all that if we don't do what he says that he will judge us and punish us for all eternity. Knowing that this book has not been viewed by every living person and that it has only been around for a relatively short time, shows just how assinine the whole idea is. Just reading the various posts by believers and seeing all their own ideas of who god is shows also how ridiculous it is. If god existed, we would all have the exact same understanding and information about who this sky-daddy really is. There would be no debate or argument. We would all know.

    We are all born atheists. We are moulded to be believers.

  • *lost*

    Heaven - I have to say I was not born atheist and I was not moulded by anyone to be a believer.

    Which is one of my conundrums, why have i always believed in the existence of a higher being, even when I had no knowledge of Religion.

  • Heaven

    lost, were your parents/people who raised you atheists?

  • cofty
    I was not moulded by anyone to be a believer

    Really? Your parents never mentioned god?

  • SAHS


    "Again the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, “Go and take a census of Israel and Judah.” - 1 Sam 24:1

    Actually, I checked and it's 2 Sam 24:1 (not 1 Sam 24:1).

  • *lost*

    Heaven - no not raised by atheist

    cofty - why ?are you making assumptions about my parents ?

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