cantleve - why. who is to dictate to someone what they should believe. who has the right to tell someone they are stupid or ignorant ? by who's standards.
are you saying society would only be a valid place if only a certain type of people lieved ? or controlled it ?
sounds a bit 1984 to me.
what gives you the right ot dictate to thers how they should live their lives and what they should believe in ?
I suppose on a basic level you could just call it having good manners and grace in how you treat other people. that iswhat society teaches us from a young age starting at school. Its how society works so that differant groups can co-exhist.
would you call out your boss who pays your wages so that you can survive stupid or his ideas stupid because he doesn't share your ethos or belief structure.
would you walk into an obscure african village and call them stupid ?
why are you so concerned about what anyone believes, if it doesn't affect you, maybe you should mind your own business and leave them alone to live their lives how they choose.
the general consensus is that jw's and ex'jws are stupid. but that's not a fair anology and it is also ignorance personified.