Thank you Seraphim,
One thing being a JW taught me in coming out of it, was that holding truth provisionally is much wiser and allows kindness in dealing with others still trapped by it. Dogmatism is what they did so why should I be the same? In many ways it was dogmatism, not what they believed that was the evil. If they had allowed people to disagree, with some equity, then it would have not been a cult. So why is dogmatism applied so often to those who still hold views we now disagree with? I suggest that fighting fire with fire is not a good idea, but fighting fire with the lessons we should have leant because of being wrong at least once in our lives is better. Kindness and empathy would be better and more consistent with this I feel. No need to rip a foundation away instantly or without pause. Anger at the WT is also a factor here. I think some amount of taking it out on those still in it, to whatever degree, gets in the way of being consistent on this matter as well. (Wow! I loved that point Seraphim!)
Also if one is attacked, or feels attacked, and the two are not always the same thing, one will automatically go into defence mode and whatever we say, however true will not penetrate the mind at all. We might end up not helping them or ourselves, pointless!
If it is true, and I think it is true, that spiritual people preach best when no words are used but example is used, then the same would apply to anyone who thinks the facts are on their side. Obviously words are used but the principle counts I think. It is a question of emphasis and degree."
The anger and pent up rage with some individuals is going to give them a heart-attack or drive them insane because the Organization is here to stay for the long-run! Simon and many of you have provided us with much insight as well as a few of the long-time posters (Sorry, I cant think of their names who provide rational advice, not the advice to go out and protest and scream at the local JW gatherings and look like rageful anti-free speech or anti-religion individuals). I will not say protesting at the Kingdom Halls is inheritantly bad but I fear those with a good heart will be dismissed because we live in Times everyone is trying to be "Socially and Societally Correct and Pressured to understand all ideas, even the ones that are fringe to the modest members of the Left too.