Isnt it the July 15 WT - last lesson that shows a picture of God's throne as described in Ezekiel - that immediately shows the earthly part of "God's" organization
1) Governing Body 2) Circuit Overseers, 3) District Overseers 4) elders 5) congregation- granted they did say earthly part, but Jesus died for the peoples of the earth.. they are still promoting themselves as the direct appointed channel from God and they make too many mistakes to be of that ilk
No mention of Jesus as the intercessor/mediator.... and I believe the next WT goes further with this thought... they better make up their mind cause people are getting frustrated with their wishy washy change of mind, desparaging put down of Jesus and raising themselves up higher than he is... that is very dangerous for them
and why did they sneakily put that word in the paragraph 18? Not one person mentioned it with a comment... I just waited..... they usually introduce new thoughts by injecting phrases or words in the lesson and wait for someone to pick it out....
I had to question an elder who did not notice it... still waiting for the answer