I just want a divorce!

by bornfree123 68 Replies latest social relationships

  • mamochan13

    Can't add too much more to all this excellent advice, BornFree. By the sounds of it your guy likely wouldn't cooperate, but something you might want to look into as a way to help reduce your costs is collaborative divorce. http://www.collaborativepractice.com/

    I also agree that he is using you as a scapegoat so he does not have to accept personal responsibility for anything.

    My situation was very different, but the key lesson and regret I have over my divorce is that I waited too long and dragged my feet and let the ex have way too much leeway. I ended up the loser, so did my kids. Sounds like you are doing the right things. I'd just suggest you keep at it, don't let him distract you, and try to get things cut cleanly as quickly as possible.


    Although he might get some temporary heat from the elders, he is allowed to divorce simply based on what has happened. Then he would not be "scripturally" free according to their rules

    If one of the marriage mates did not commit porniea with someone else or an animal (yes that is in the elders manual) then no matter what, there is no scriptural divorce period. Meaning neither one can be appointed to any "special" privleges (hurts the men more than the woman). Also if either decide to start dating someone else they will get spoken to. If they persist after several warnings then a "marking" talk will be given. If the person decides to get married again then they are marked as bad associates but no judicial action would be taken and the other mate is only then scripturally free.

    The odd thing about this whole, convoluted, bull shit of a situation is that if these 2 ex marriage mates who are labled as still "scripturally" married decide to have sex again with each other then they are before a committee for fornication. Now thats quite the head scratcher, never could rationalize that one.

  • bornfree123

    Hi everyone

    I just wanted to give an update on my situation. I filed for divorce 2 weeks ago under 'unreasonable behaviour'. He had already indicated that he would not go along with an "unscriptual" divorce so I was pretty sure that he would be as obstructive as possible. Anyway, he had 14 days to respond to my petition - the 14 days ends tomorrow (Monday 15th) and I have heard NOTHING! I don't expect to suddenly get a response tomorrow so the next stage is for me to appoint a Process Server so that the courts are assured that he has definately received the papers.

    The funny thing is I have to give the process server a photo of him and some information on where he is most likely to be found. Well, as it happens I know EXACTLY where he's going to be on a Thursday night and Sunday morning . Oh to be a fly on the wall when he gets called out of the meeting and "served" in front of the attendants and anyone else who is standing around.

    On another note, a few months ago I wrote to the society to tell them what has been happening - think i mentioned this earlier. Anyway, I didn't hear back from their initial response so I rang and spoke to some administrator or other. He came back with a message to say that the congregation were written to a month or so ago and had responded, however their responses were not satisfactory and so a further letter had been sent where they were told to "please answer the specific questions that have been asked". They were still waiting for a response. My mum (who is still in) was heartened by this but I'm not so sure. Maybe its paranoia but I can see myself just getting fobbed off. It makes no difference to me but it'll be interesting to see whether anything actually comes of it.

    On a positive note, I graduated this week (Masters degree) and took my parents to a lovely graduation ceremony at a beautiful cathedral in Liverpool (England). My mum was crying and saying how proud she was of me to do so well with all that has been going on. It was a lovely lovely day. She even stood for the National Anthem!I love my mum so much.


  • lisavegas420

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Jagged Red Pill
    Jagged Red Pill

    Hello Bornfree123, I'm new around here but have just filed for divorce, so you are in my thoughts. I know the thread was started a couple of months ago, but here are my two cents for what they may be worth.

    *lost* has given very good tips on how to get evidence and where to go for advice and help.

    I would suggest making sure that your have a solicitor that actually cares and is committed on getting the best results for you and seeing the whole process through, as well as taking into account your feelings and emotional state, they need to be aware of what you can actually handle at every stage. And you must feel that you can trust this person.

    You may have done this already, but in case you haven't, check if you are entitled to get legal aid, your solicitor should be able to do this for you.

    Above all, don't fall into the trap of giving your soon to be ex the pleasure of a scriptural divorce. Seems to me by what you have said until now that's what he's after, he would be able to play the sympathy card and paint you as a bad person, and have the blessing of others when he decides to remarry, when in effect he is the one responsible for this, he walked out on you and your children, so make him pay for it girl. It's good you have your mom's support.

    You will be pestered and probably harassed by some JWs trying to find out if you have comitted adultery – I have been, some were actually very angry when they finally realized that I was not an adulterer. So don't let anyone harass you, and don't even think of admitting to something you haven't done just to speed things up. It's easier said than done, but at the end you will be able to hold your head high.

    Now, counting on him getting DF or reproved on the grounds that he is not providing for you and your children, it doesn't always work that way. Even with written evidence he may get away with it in a congregational level if he knows how play the elders. But the judge, that will be a different matter.

    And to those pointing out that Jehovah hates a divorcing, it sure is what we've had drummed into us whenever the subject has popped up, and even more so if you have dared to separate from your husband or decided to divorce him. But if you read Malachi 2:6 in other translations of the Bible, you may be surprised. As an example, here's how the NIV translates it:

    ““The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,” says the LORD Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful.”

    Just a thought.

  • losingit

    Jagged RedPill , thank you for that final text. That is exactly how it feels-- violence being committed against me. Separation abd divorce is so horrible to the soul.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Congrats on the Masters! Hope the divorce is proceeding the way you would like.

  • Jagged Red Pill
    Jagged Red Pill

    losingit, I'm glad the text is of some help. It really helped me when I first discovered it not that long ago. You are right, separation and divorce are horrible, specially when you trully believed it would last forever. But this too, will pass, and you will be stronger and better because of it. Just hang on there

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Who give a flying F_ _ K What the watchtower says. My gosh man this is life. I'm going through divorce. I never thought once about what the watchtower thinks. I did tell the psychopath at one point that i won't give her the adultery card and she's just going to have to pound sand with her Mickey mouse club.

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