Recent Global Cooling Controversy

by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    Which goes to show that people can still vigorously disagree even when they are presented with the exact same information - it depends on which part of that information you focus on, among other things.

    Yes, and you can always simplify the disagreement by getting angry with those who disagree.

    Works for besty, aka "chicken little" LOL

  • Simon

    Really? People think we can make a judgement based on a photo from space?

    Sure, it shows ice ... but is it 1ft thick due to winter vs the km thick permanent ice that's been there thousands of years.

    Yes, it's visible and dramatic when there is no ice where previously there was but then people get confused because the ice cover expands and shrinks due to seasons (especially up 'ere in the cold north of Canadia).

    What is really significant is the thinning of the ice and loss of long-established ice. This is where the bulk of non-oceanic water is locked up and what has be big impact on change.

    Remember too that it's not just the changein the ice itself but the rateof that change.

    The planet will survice major changes ... it's just a planet. What matters is whether species can adapt to the fast change or risk extinction and WE are a species too - we make think we're clever and technologically advanced but we can't change a system as big as a planet*

    *other than burning masses of carbon fuels over many years to artificially alter it's own system. We can't undo things easily. There is no 'clean the planet' technology or button and there is no white-haired kindly god going to come and wave his magic fingers to make everything right.

  • besty
  • Simon

    Great animation ... it's like someone thinking they are making money by only counting rises in share prices and never believing the falls. Skeptics are probably the same people who held Enron shares all the way down thinking things were getting better.

  • besty

    those pesky decadal time scales don't work for the Daily Fail

    they don't tell you they were running the exact same breathless headlines in 2008 - a full year later than the BBC...

    Arctic ice 'could melt in five years' as climate change accelerates

    UPDATED: 18:08, 20 October 2008

  • brinjen
    Brinjen said it was hotter the last 3 summers, and yet theres no such material on the website. I couldnt find any temp records in a simple format to digest.

    **puts down the Tim Tam**

    You clearly didn't look too far. Took me 5 seconds.

    It's been widely publicised that our last summer was the hottest on record. It appears people living on the other side of the planet are more informed of Australia's climate than some of the people who actually live here.

  • kurtbethel

    Doomsday fear sells.

  • Jeffro


    You telling big fat lies like your father Satan the Devil !!!


  • mP
    MP: Brinjen said it was hotter the last 3 summers, and yet theres no such material on the website. I couldnt find any temp records in a simple format to digest.


    **puts down the Tim Tam**

    You clearly didn't look too far. Took me 5 seconds.

    It's been widely publicised that our last summer was the hottest on record. It appears people living on the other side of the planet are more informed of Australia's climate than some of the people who actually live here


    You claimed the last three summers, and then show a graph that does not include any numbers for the past 3 years, but rather shows 100 years worth of data. There is no way you can say the last 3 years have been hotter than those before without showing how hot it was 4 or any of the years in the past decade.

    Please address exactly what you said rather than diverting attention. Hold the timtams indeed.

    If 2010 was hotter than 2009 or 2008 or any recent show me a simple graph from the bom.

    from the link:

    The past 12 months have been the warmest on record for Australia. The average temperature across Australia for the period 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013 was 22.92 °C. This is 1.11 °C above the 1961–1990 average, surpassing the previous record of +1.08 °C that occurred between February 2005 and January 2006.


    Where is 2007 - 2010 which are exactly the years i was referring ?

    But hey, is it honest to answer my question claiming the last 3 years were hotter by not even providing any numbers for the very same years you claim were less hot ? instead you tlak about 100 year averages...

    Please dont copy Jeffro and his politician style of answering questions.

  • brinjen

    mP. You were the one who raised the "three years" issue, not me. You said the last three summers had been cooler, I said the rest of the country disagrees. You never answered my question about the La Nina effect either, completely ignored it. Read the page properly... there is a hell of a lot more to it than one graph.

    It's clear all you want to do here is argue. Can't look up the information for ourselves can we? Or are we just looking to engage and argue to make ourselves feel superior?

    Either way, I'm done here.

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