Thanks ma'am.
Take care, Ismael
by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks ma'am.
Take care, Ismael
Keep your panties on
Are you a child?
If you decide you want to act like an adult let me know.
Cofty doesn’t doo humour latinthunder she thinks it’s childish.
So why did Saruman decide to join with Sauron?
Cofty doesn’t doo humour latinthunder she thinks it’s childish.
I do humour, I don't do childishness.
It's not she, it's he. I have often mentioned my wife and children and the fact I was an elder. I have even posted pictures. Try to keep up seraphim.
So why did Saruman decide to join with Sauron? - Bengeria
Sooooo, no Genesis no original sin, no original sin no need for a an omnipotent spirit being from another dimension to give birth to himself so he could later torture himself to death as a sacrifice to himself to appease himself for something he started in the first place...
Yup, kind of destroys the fabric of modern Christianity doesn't it? It's no wonder that Thomas Paine said this (a long time ago, mind you):
The study of theology as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and admits of no conclusion
Christianity was systematically dismantled a long time ago when it's prophets were brutally murdered. What's left is an elaborate construct designed to accomplish the opposite of what Iésous orginally set in motion. It's a very long game of cat and mouse.
Are you a child?
No, sir! I'm a 900 year old Time Lord, thank you very much.
Sorry Cofty I don’t take that much interest in you.
latinthunder, there is no scientific method for discerning which Bible verses are from god and which are just the words of men.
Don't you see how you are using the same definition of inspiration that JW's use? So the scriptures that talk about god sending bears to kill a bunch of kids was inspired by god back then but it isn't inspired by god anymore just because it doesn't apply to this generation? That account was a teaching tool back then not to disrespect god's prophets.
Don't you see how you are using the same definition of inspiration that JW's use?
I most certainly am not. My definition is inclusionary, not exclusionary. The Watchtower, and all fundamentalists, spends a considerable amount of time and resources to discredit the scripture of neighboring cultures. All religions have their doctrinal texts which always includes a hefty dose of mythology. Paul's claim was that divine scripture is defined by it's timeless usability, which is a very practicle approach. He was a Jew, after all.
So the scriptures that talk about god sending bears to kill a bunch of kids was inspired by god back then but it isn't inspired by god anymore just because it doesn't apply to this generation? That account was a teaching tool back then not to disrespect god's prophets.
When did I claim 2 Kings was inspired "back then", but isn't today? The way you determine whether or not 2 Kings is "God-breathed" is by applying it's spiritual principles in your life and see where they take you (or by observing others who are doing just that "look at their fruits"). I personally wouldn't use 1st and 2nd Kings as a standalone document. It should be used in conjunction with the Torah and the Talmud. Firstly, you have to identify the principles of the text, which takes study and deliberation, then apply them and compare your results with others (ie science). Scripture, and it's life applications, is a skill that requires practice, always has been. Better get to studying!
OH, I BET!! Why am I reminded of the 'intense debates' said to have occurred in the Middle Ages amongst priests over the burning issue of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
If you think the debate is frivolous, then why do you engage in it, and with such passion?
I wasn't referring to THIS debate, but to YOUR claim that there were OTHER "intense debates" amongst believers over whether the animals in Genesis were 'spiritual animals' vs 'physical animals' (a silly argument, quite analogous to the "intense debates" over dancing angels from the Middle Ages).
BTW, thanks for the "passion" compliment, but I'd prefer to think of it as bringing FACTS to the table; I care more about those, since anyone can be full of passion but still be completely wrong if they're ignoring visible available evidence (AKA facts).
Gotta run for the night now, but ONE simple question for all the God/Jesus/Bible experts (whether obtained from the Bible, or from informal chats with your invisible spirit chums):
Per the Bible, WHEN did Jehovah FIRST prohibit the spilling of the blood of another human being?