That's it: I'm out.
Adam, you have engaged in the fallacy fallacy. Enjoy the victory in your mind, it must be sweet.
by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's it: I'm out.
Adam, you have engaged in the fallacy fallacy. Enjoy the victory in your mind, it must be sweet.
TEC said-
You really ought to stop appealing to authority , if that authority is christian commentators, theologians, and the various doctrines/teachings of "Christianity" (mainstream or otherwise). They may have things right... they may have things wrong... most likely a combination of both. But I do not follow any of them... I DO follow Christ.
LOL! That's it: I'm out.
TEC says NOT to "Appeal to Authority", but then, in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE sees no problem playing the Ultimate "Appeal to Divine Authority", and expects everyone to bow before her and her alter-ego BFF, AKA the voice of Jesus. TEC's infamous assymetrical rule strikes again.
What an utterly dishonest statement, Adamah. Or is it just that you do not read, and do not see?
Because i see that you bolded the parts that you WANTED to see, and ignored the part that disproves your little rant afterward. You know the part that starts with "if that authority is..."
I even explained why. It doesnt' mean anything to me. I follow Christ... not men, not religion.
A bigger question might be why their authority means anything to you?
I learnt a lessson from Adamahabout these two words“Dominant” and “dominate” sound somewhat alike, but they can’t be used interchangeably
Dominant” is an adjective, meaning it is used to describe a subject. It is defined as having or exerting authority or influence, or occupying or being in a commanding or elevated position
Dominate” is a verb. It means to rule over, have control of, tower over or overshadow
examples that helped me understand the difference between this verb and adjective....
Wheat is the dominant crop in many parts of North Dakota.” “Which is the dominant gene?”
How to dominate a dominant women
Caliber, read my last response VERY CAREFULLY, as I already answered your question, and stated it in a clear unambiguous manner. I even added your phrase "dominant emotion" (which is actually spelled "dominant", not "dominate")
PULEEZE, not the argument that's only one-step removed from the popular Top 40 fave of theists: "You Atheists are ANGRY with God and you don't WANT him to exist, so you can deny His existence and SIN!"?
Ok you're not angry with God .... so tell me then what is the dominate emotion the flows in you when you think of the concept of god ? ~~ Cal
The following sentence would have been the proper use of these words...
What is the dominant emotion that dominates your thinking when of the concept of God is mentioned ?
Adamah has already answered this question to my satisfaction .... Contempt was his answer
Contempt is a secondary emotion (not among the original six emotions as classified by Paul Ekman, namely: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise) and is a mix of the primary emotions disgust and anger. [ 1 ] The word originated in 1393, from the Latin word contemptus meaning "scorn." It is the past participle of contemnere and from com- intens. prefix + temnere "to slight, scorn." The origin is uncertain. Contemptuous appeared in 1529. [ 2 ]
Robert C. Solomon places contempt on the same continuum as resentment and anger, and he argues that the differences between the three is that resentment is directed toward a higher status individual; anger is directed toward an equal status individual; and contempt is directed toward a lower status individual. [3]
So indeed it isn't exactly anger towards God but contempt !!
Caliber said:
So indeed it isn't exactly anger towards God but contempt !!
Oh, so close, but not quite right! Re-check my answer (a few pages back, I think), since I clearly stated my contempt wasn't directed against God (which would be impossible to do, since remember: I'm an atheist, and don't believe in God?), but towards those who perpetuate the belief in Gods (often for their own benefit, whether direct or indirect).
So indeed it isn't exactly anger towards God but contempt !! I meant to imply contempt towards God , believers or even the concept of God)
What is the dominant emotion that dominates your thinking when of the concept of God is mentioned ?
Without splitting hairs I think people get the idea clearly from my above question.. but I think I get it...
you want no connection whatsoever implied or otherwise to the the thought or idea that God exists .
wasn't directed against God (which would be impossible to do, since remember: I'm an atheist, and don't believe in God?), but towards those who perpetuate the belief in Gods~~ Adamah
Feeling contempt for believers is your right but how comfortable will believers feel if you express
in words to them those feelings of contempt ? Is there a more palatable method ?
, disdain , scorn imply strong feelings of disapproval and aversion toward
contempt facial expression
TEC said:
How can you read Cain and Abel and NOT see that the story shows the sin and crime of spilling blood?
Bigger question is, how can you read the account of God's interaction with Cain in Genesis account, and conclude that God delivered the same harsh punishment (AKA Lex Talionis, referring to "an eye for an eye" justice) later decreed in Leviticus 24:17?
17 "'Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death."
Or, how do you square it with the later Exodus 21:12
12 “Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death."
Perhaps God let it happen, as said in Exodus 21:13?
13 However, if it is not done intentionally, but God lets it happen, they are to flee to a place I will designate."
Or, maybe Cain schemed and killed his brother deliberately, with intent?
14 " But if anyone schemes and kills someone deliberately, that person is to be taken from my altar and put to death."
So, none of those seem appropriate OR desirable, huh?
Fortunately, Paul gives the answer to the question in Romans 5:13.
Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ
12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— 13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law (i.e. the Torah) was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.
There's the answer: Paul was explaining that an action that is referred to as a sin is not held against the "sinner" until AFTER it's officially declared as a sin by Divine Expression, eg as blood-shed was, later in Genesis 9:5-6.
Furthermore, while Adam's sin was a violation of God's law (and hence comdemning all mankind to death); Cain's murder was a crime against another human (fratricide); while God didn't approve of the Cain's action, it wasn't a violation against Him or any law.
That's why Cain was even given the promise of protection from God by being given the protective "Mark of Cain", where God PROMISED to avenge and curse anyone 7-fold who tried to retaliate against him, to see that justice served in retaliation for "righteous" Abel's death!
That kind of "justice" is what led the bigamist Lamech in the same Chapter to later brag to his wives about killing TWO men, and claiming that God would protect him 77-fold! Justice and punishment was inverted, likely written to demonstrate God's sense of grace.
Instead, it demonstrates that God wasn't concerned with justice and punishment, since God allowed Cain to literally get away with murder (and hence why God later fixed the rampant bloodshed problem in the absense of a judicial system run by men by wiping the slate clean with the Flood to start over, except announcing that bloodshed is a now sin and God appointed "righteous" and "just" Noah to run it).
(PS Note that one of the first actions on record is Noah, cursing his grand-son Caanan to be the SLAVE of all the others, so Noah started the system of slavery as punishment while operating under the color of authority of God.)
Once again, God is depicted as making a MAJOR mistake by forgetting to prohibit bloodshed, and needing to carry out the Flood to fix the situation (as I explained in the article on my blog).
contempt facial expression
Caliber, are you kidding? In 2013, anyone who defends a God who commands and institutes slavery, genocide, rape, intolerance, bigotry, etc? You are wearing TEC's blinders now, ignoring the abuse and control of, eg victims of child abuse of JWs, all covered up in the name of serving an omnipotent God?
Feeling contempt for believers is your right but how comfortable will believers feel if you express in words to them those feelings of contempt ? Is there a more palatable method?
Damn straight, I feel contempt, and merely showing contempt for those who'd abuse fear of a non-existent God is perhaps letting them off light, since as this thread shows, the Abrahamic God depicted in the Bible is a moral thug who could teach a Mafioso Godfather a trick or two (which you'd see, if you actually bothered to read and/or actually understood what the "Holy" Bible contains).
But to answer your question directly: you are now "tone trolling", i.e. objecting to methods used, and NOT to the message itself (presumably because you CANNOT? If you have scriptural evidence to counter, by all means, do so). But as an atheist, I'm no stranger to tone trolls, since it's a common angle for theists to use (accusing others of being "angry atheists", or saying "you must have anger at God to be so filled with such hate", etc). And yes, it is an ad hominem.
Caliber, please stop with your petty ad-hominem attack on Adamah, and maybe try posting something substanative to defend this twisted psycho god of the bible. Oh you can't? Then please be quiet.
Is this speaking of God or is it ad-hominem attack on Christians ?
How does it relate to the topic of God ?
Caliber said-
Is this speaking of God or is it ... ad-hominem. attack on Christians ? just asking
My answer remains the same as what I posted under that pix:
PS don't blame an atheist if you want to cling to an ancient document/law book from 3,000 years ago and another culture which you claim is "God-breathed", but cannot even figure out what it's actually saying...