Why does it matter?
How do believers defend a god who is going to murder billions and pin it on them?
by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cofty - "Why does it matter?"
Understand the psychology and motivations of your opponent, and you can fight him more effectively.
I was a christian I understand it thoroughly.
Don't encourage delusions.
FHN said-
Fear is the oldest control tool in the book.
Hmmm, is it any coincidence that Proverbs 9:10 says:
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
And how is that any different from the mugger who points a gun at you and says, "Do what I say, and you don't get hurt!"?
Adam, do you believe there is such a thing as healthy fear?
Fearing that your parent, whether earthly or heavenly, will kill or torture you for anything, is unhealthy fear.
Fearing that your parent, whether earthly or heavenly, will kill or torture you for anything, is unhealthy fear.
Fear of God is similar to fear of the power of electricity. If I approach a peice of electrical equipment, I don't carelessly start messing with wires. I consult a manual and/or acquire the aid of a professional. I don't fear that electricity is going to punish me for not believing in it. I fear electricity because it's lethal force isn't concerned with my well being. It's just being what it is and doing what it does. Without proper reverence for higher powers catastrophes result.
Fear of God is similar to fear of the power of electricity... I fear electricity because it's lethal force isn't concerned with my well being.
So you're saying god isn't concerned for your well being?
Good question. But shouldn't we be happified by a god who is willing to terminate the lives of the masses of wicked people. I think we all agree that they are wicked, what with the smurfs and everything.
If only we could figure out a way to terminate these lives - before the great tribulation - then these folks will be resurrected. Any ideas? It is for their own good, you know...
I hope you understand that this is an attempt at "very bad" humor. But, I know the rules and I see no option.