Just this simple fact of life is proof of God....

by EndofMysteries 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tornapart

    What I like to read is a good strong debate with questions, reasonings, arguements etc with mutual respect shown on both sides. I am far more likely to take on board what everyone says and think about things myself.

    What I hate to see is that kind of debate being spoiled by the few that decide hurling insults is easier than reasoning something out. Resorting to you're ...'stupid, ignorant, deluded' or you're.. 'arrogant, egotistical, opinionated'.... switches me right off and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

  • GromitSK

    @tornapart - spot on! :)

  • adamah

    You must be a viewer of "The Atheist Experience": Matt always says that line.

    Never heard of it :) - what is it?

    It's a cable TV show out of Austin, TX which is available via live streaming over the Net, and they have rotating hosts, but it's generally headed up by ex-evangelist minister (now atheist) Matt Dilahunty.

    Here's a thread I started on the show yesterday, where the topic was 'youth indoctrination':



  • GromitSK

    Aha! Thanks for explaining.

  • jgnat

    Sooooo, this is a discussion thread about abiogenesis? Without resorting to "God did it", is there a scientific explanation how the first life might have come to be?

  • adamah

    jgnat said-

    Sooooo, this is a discussion thread about abiogenesis? Without resorting to "God did it", is there a scientific explanation how the first life might have come to be?

    But God DID i.... Ah, nevermind.


  • cofty

    There are a number of hypotheses.

    The strongest seems to be based on the work by William Martin and Michael Russell. They have shown that conditions in alkaline vents under the ocean were perfect for the origins of the first cell. It was not a free cell with a membrane but rather the tiny spaces inside the vents were the cells.

    If nobody else does it first I will write up a summary later. It is astonishing in the way it addresses all the challenges that life would have to face to get started.

    The Urey-Miller "organic soup" idea is no longer considered viable.

  • prologos

    it is about HOW it happened, because it did.

    once we figure out how, we can replicate it.

    Then we will know how hard it is to make it work.

    look at CERN.

  • cantleave

    Cofty I am writing an introductory essay on the Iron Sulphur Hypothesis. It has taken a lot longer than anticipated since I have been travelling a lot for work lately.

  • cofty

    Look forward to it Cantleave.

    I have read it enough to understand it but explaining it simply is an different matter.

    If we were of the psuedo-science lobby we could just copy-paste huge chunks of stuff!

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