I do not beleive that you have to beleive in a supreme Deity in order to make him happy and he grants you everlasting lfe for beleiving. If there is a supreme being that is the creator of this multiverse his interest in the thoughts and beleifs in men should be proportionate and not such an obsession that it merrits his justified vengence on such disbelief.
Do I beleive in GOD?
by 70wksfyrs 173 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
j-nat, thank you for your comment. I really like all of your coments, but never seen ones similar to these posts before from you.
You can't then switch to "prove it" when someone states that science makes the need for a creator obsolete.
Okay so I have read this statement a few times. In my view yes we should all do what we feel is right based on the fact that we have examined it and we are not hurting or upsetting people on purpose. I don't fully understand why I can't ask for proof?
If you think I was being rude to cofty I apologise, I am just having a bit of fun and I didn't think he would mind me asking him for more substance. If you are talking about the word need as it is in itallics, I don't mean at all to be facetious, I have respect for your experience and advice, but I don't understand this statement.
In Genesis we have "God created the heavens and the earth." Now we have the big bang. Finger of God not needed.
Why not?
I don't find myself believing often in God.
I dont believe in someone who never says anything back when I speak to it.
i'm a believer
In my view yes we should all do what we feel is right based on the fact that we have examined it and we are not hurting or upsetting people on purpose. I don't fully understand why I can't ask for proof?
On page 1 of this thread, I said: Because asking "Do you believe in God?" prompts primarily close-ended questions, and is often experienced as a condemnation.....
That hasn't changed.
We can ask for proof, we can state our opinions, we can deny proof. We can do what we feel is right without examining it or we can examine it. We are free to do all of these things. But do you really think that asking for proof of another's belief on this is not viewed as that same condemnation?
"Well I believe this."
"The evidence shows it."
"Prove it."It all boils down to the other side seeing that as an attack. OTWO challenges the same as others do. But I don't think others would see my "asking" as simply gathering information. And sometimes it is just that. In person, I have discussions without challenges. If the other wants to say why they believe what they believe, great. If not, great again. But on this forum (or virtually any internet anonymous/semi-anonymous forum), it always breaks down to a challenge. "Something from nothing." "You can't see it." "Outside of physical reality" "You don't understand science/spirituality." "I know because He has contacted me." YADDA YADDA YADDA.
It's a necessary evil on these forums. But don't just kid yourself and think it's just going to remain at curiousity and familiarity here.
Do I believe in God? Which God? OH, any God? Yes, I believe in Flying Spaghetti Monster. It makes just as much sense.
You don't believe in any corporeal or non-corporeal being that started all things. But how could everything come from nothing?Now, tell me that either one of those won't be viewed as mocking or goading.
70wks, I'm talking about the rigor of proof, which has a different set of rules from it "feels right". If you want to watch someone versed in the rigors of the scientific method go all bubbly on the brain, try and insist they play on the same field as the "feels right" crowd.
Off topic, but here's some popular but erroneous beliefs held by many people in my part of the world. Aspartame is bad for you. Sugar makes children hyper. Modern wheat is killing us. Vaccines cause Autism. All three are provably false. Now if it makes people "feel good" to avoid aspartame, sugar, and gluten, go for it. (Except for that vaccine thing. That irrational fear is dangerous to the human race).
Finger of God not needed (why not), because it all can be explained without. If you want to add the Finger of God because it feels right, go ahead.
I used to give public talks about "How Wonderfully We Are Made" and "Do You Have a Personal Relationship With God?" I could have delivered the same outline in any church, not just the KH and it would have tickled the ears of listeners. I still believe we are wonderfully made to a certain extent and I can definitely say even after 30 years as a JW I never had nor will have a personal relationship with God. My feelings are that it is all in the mind of the believer. The God Delusion leads to far too many unanswered questions. Man created God. And I am ok with that because while many horrid actions are carried out by man in his name, much good is also accomplished. It is the nature of all things. I would like to see people do well and good to others of their own volition not as a way to please or not displease a supreme being. That seems and feels more in touch with reality in my opinion. To each his own however because one way or the other I actually don't care as long as you are not hurt me, my loved ones or anyone for that matter.