Do I beleive in GOD?

by 70wksfyrs 173 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 70wksfyrs


    Thank you for your debate with SBF, it is quite entertaining. Although you didn't answer my OP I kind of know why you don't believe in god becuase of your other posts.

    Thanks for joining in. It's hillairious. HAHAHAHAHA!!! LOL!!!!


  • tec

    You're welcome 70wks, and thank you. I can not "prevail" on my own reasoning... but only as I have learned from Christ (his words, his teachings, his examples); and there is nothing that defeats Him. So I can't take credit for me, but truly, thank you for your kind and encouraging words!!

    (I am sorry for whatever flak is going to come your way for that though)

    Peace and love to you,


  • 70wksfyrs

    yadda yadda2,

    You make a good point. I think having a good internal conscience of what right and wrong is, is far more important than whether or not one believes in God.

    Excellent point.

    Thanks so much for joining in this thread


  • 70wksfyrs


    You didn't answer my OP. I understand you have discussed the topic lots of times and may be bored of it, well thats okay.

    Sorry if I sound harsh but (I am new here), why even bother gracing us with your presence. We really could do without your support thanks. Surely you dont expect us all to look at everyones posts over the years to find out if they believe in God or not!!!!!

    I personally look up current posters that interest me, and funny posters.

    I don't know what you believe or why. But quite frankly, sorry if I sound harsh again, but I don't care if you don't want to engage. That is your choice.


  • adamah

    SBF said-

    Look how Lamarckism was rejected, but in the past couple of years has made an unexpected comeback. Intellectual history is littered with such reversals. Even rejected ideas should not be ruled out. I was practically asleep when I made my last post so I don't know what that was all about. I am wide awake ready for a day's work now though.

    You seemingly misunderstand Lamarckism and/or epigenetics, as the two are essentially unrelated (although the lay press had a field day, acting like Lamarckism has made a come-back: it hasn't, and has been long disproven).

    The hint is in the name, 'epigenetics': the 'epi-' prefix implies the study rests ATOP genetics, and speaks more to a dependence on conventional study of Mendelian genetics, rather than Lamarckism's ALTERNATIVE.

    Of course, the 'nature vs nurture' thing is a long-running dispute, and we've known of deviations from classical Mendelian genetics which is explained by these types of findings. Of course, the correct answer is BOTH 'nature AND nurture' play a role: it's just a matter of what specific topic is being discussed.

    This is not hidden knowledge, BTW, eg we know chromosomes in germ cells (in gonads) are sensitive to degradation from environental exposure to eg radiation: hence why we wear protective lead vests when getting dental x-rays. However, that's not because of Lamarkism.

    70 wks said:

    Thank you for your debate with SBF, it is quite entertaining. Although you didn't answer my OP I kind of know why you don't believe in god becuase of your other posts.

    Obviously you can discern what my answer to your question would be (I'm an atheist), but I was hoping you'd attempt to explain how you connected the chirality of molecules (enantiomers) to proving God's existence? But apparently you don't want to try?


  • cofty

    Just ignore cofty... I have given him his question again. Hhahahaha!

    I already answered it. You ignored my answer and asked it again.

    I said...

    The question of evil and the hiddeness of god are two of the reasons I reject theism. Science makes the need for a creator obsolete.


    Science has explained the diversity of life. Every living thing, from humans to cabbages, evolved from a common ancestor. We now know on a genetic level how this happened, although many details still remain to be discovered. New discoveries will not change this basic fact.

    If people want to believe in a deity that's fine for them, but it's silly to pretend he/she has anything to do with creation. You need to find a new job for god.

    If god exists, then existing is the only thing god does.


    Tammy's preaching about the voices in her head might be new and interesting to you, but wait until you have heard the same thing a thousand times year after year and see if you still think it's cute.

  • 70wksfyrs


    To your last post. My apologies, I couldn't see it. I just assumed you ignored me. How dreadful of me please forgive me.

    Your point you make about the evolution of common ancestors sounds quite interesting. My biology is awful. But you have more substance to your point. This does not, in my view negate the need for a creator, but certainly sustanciates your point at the moment

    apologies again

    Warm reagrrds cofty


  • cofty

    If you have doubts about common ancestry please have a read at the Common Ancestry thread that a few of us put together for this reason.

    You say... This does not, in my view negate the need for a creator

    Why do you think there is a need for a creator to explain things that are fully explained by non-supernatural means?

  • 70wksfyrs


    Your right, I didn't want to do a science project on this thread unless someone specifically asked. You have so here goes.

    I don't know to what level you are educated to, but I am not very good at explaining things at a different level from my own education.

    Racemic mixtures are made in controlled lab environments, but in nature the the L-enantiomer is about 80% more common than the D-enantiomer. So for me it's a matter of probabilities. If we look at how the sterochemistry of amino acids evolved, a racemic solution would result. Therefore in my view Jehovah would have to use polarising separating techniques to achieve the correct balance.

    I am satisfied with this for my beliefs, but it does not prove God exists. I don't need proof I am happy with no proof, until I learn something knew that may change my mind.

    Kind regards


  • cofty

    Sounds like a god-of-the-gaps answer does it not?

    When a purely naturalistic answer is found to this puzzle will it effect your belief in god, or will another unknown take it's place?

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